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Holiday Lights: White or Colored?

Which Holiday Lights are top tier?

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So, I'm on the phone with my friend while decking my halls. Long story short we get into a debate over holiday lights, both of us are polar opposites in our opinions. I thought I'd bring it here. If you have a peculiarly strong opinion about this, I wanna know.

-Don't make this about race
-Don't make this about religion- Aetheist here celebrating all holidays
-There is a wrong answer
- If you don't say colored lights rule you must be an uptight Batman upplayer.
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Low tier button masher.
Coloured lights are better hands down. The only thing more worse than white holiday lights are the people who prefer them over coloured lights.

I bet they're the same people who put toilet paper on the wrong way and get their steaks well done.
Pfft you white people and your silly-ass questions.
Didn't you know that Christmas in the first place was a pagan holiday?
Either way, there's no wrong answer to this question.
I prefer white lights though.

And Batman is still broken.
Infraction for making this about race. @Eldriken arrest him.

Okay. Stop. We need to clear some things up.

Warm white or cold white?
Does it matter? If I wanted my front property shine like a dressing room, I'd go shopping.

Infracted for suggesting you're partial to any neutral color lights of the sort


It's all so very confusing.
I mean, if I gotta choose one, colored, but both is ideal.

I'm afraid to have them this year, these cats will eat them, I just know it.
Some people just refuse to believe it.

Anyway I like colored lights, but I think the white lights have their place as well lol
Infraction for continuing braindeads rebuttle making this about religion.
Double infraction for the jack o' lantern avatar after Halloween.
Triple infraction for the Scarecrow mood banner

Happy holidays

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Colored obviously! Red and green all around my roof, it looks baller as shit, maybe I’ll post a picture, probably not, but maybe
Red and green colored lights obviously.
White lights are just for fake ass posers who don't get snow in their area.

If I look outside my window on Christmas morning and its not snowing i die a little inside tbh.