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HMK Christmas Special - The Phantom Menace movie commentary episode.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
We finally got this done in time for Christmas :) We'll be back with a regular episode in the new year but for now put on your reindeer slippers and listen as we discuss the highs and many lows of The Phantom Menace from the Star Wars saga.

MP3 Version

If anyone actually watches this along with the movie please let me know :D We're all wondering if anyone will actually do so.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I'll get to it at some point, but not right now! I just watched it not long ago and I need to recover.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
I still can't get past how shit the creature designs are in Star Wars.... They fucking suck.


My blade is broken damn right better than yours!
The new movie has spoiled me and I'm going to watch it 3rd time this weekend. When I try to watch the phantom menace it kinda puts me off as it's a far cry from the new movie.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
Why would you do this to yourselves on Christmas?
I think I ask that question a good three or four times lol
Pretty sure that is the very first thing that is said after the intro lol

And for what it's worth we recorded this a couple of days before Christmas Eve, granted the film is shite but it was fun to watch it and do commentary.

@Phosferrax You up for round 2; Attack of the Anakin and Padme dialogue scenes? :eek:


Get over here!
The only, literally ONLY redeeming thing about the prequels from a Star Wars fan perspective is that you can look back on the sheer awfulness and just try to laugh about and find humor in how unbelievably awful they really were. The story was a complete mess, there was no clear protagonist, the acting was like cardboard, the script was unbearable, the overdone cgi was abysmal, there was no tension or anything that made the audience feel any kind of emotional attachment to anything on screen, Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christensen, Jar Jar Binks, it was like they were a perfect storm of terrible. Loving the commentary track so far though, I'm about a third of the way through.


>>R2 - BF4 = Unblockable.
The only, literally ONLY redeeming thing about the prequels from a Star Wars fan perspective is that you can look back on the sheer awfulness and just try to laugh about and find humor in how unbelievably awful they really were. The story was a complete mess, there was no clear protagonist, the acting was like cardboard, the script was unbearable, the overdone cgi was abysmal, there was no tension or anything that made the audience feel any kind of emotional attachment to anything on screen, Jake Lloyd, Hayden Christensen, Jar Jar Binks, it was like they were a perfect storm of terrible. Loving the commentary track so far though, I'm about a third of the way through.
That one senator's beard is pretty tight though...


My blade is broken damn right better than yours!
"Anakin, you're breaking my heart". I can't even keep a straight face when this line drops. Revenge of the Sith is the best of the bad bunch imo but still so baaaaad!

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Highlight of the movie is the character Qui-Gon, and the fight scenes with Darth Maul. Basically the only two things worthwhile of being continued into the next films were killed off quick fast, one in an extremely silly manner