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Hilarious and/or disturbing things that small children say


So my three-year-old niece had just finished watching 'The Lion King' (and like many people born in the early 90s, I absolutely loved the film). The following conversation ensued:

Me - "Did you enjoy the film?"
Her - "Yeah"
Me - "What was your favourite part?"
Her - "Um... the bit where the daddy died"
Me - (rather perturbed) "I'm pretty sure that's meant to be a sad part of the film"
Her - "Some people think it's funny" *giggles*

To say that I was surprised would be an understatement.

Anyone else have similar anecdotes to share? :p


Waiting for Havik
funny? ... I think the new generations will be more tough then :eek: ... or maybe I just have to watch the film again :D.