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High quality MK logo

I'm thinking of buying an arcade stick from arcade in a box. I've been thinking what to put on it for the longest time. And I'm really not sure.

But lately I have been considering putting the mk logo on it.

It would be really cool if I could get the mk2 logo. With the lightning effects in the background. (dragon symbol). Here are the dimensions of the submitted
Image they want with the artwork on it


Could anyone help me out with some high quality pic ideas??


I don't think they accept any copywrited material (anymore).

You should check with them first, before you go through all the trouble of getting a cool design.
O. Well someone draw me something really cool with grindfox on it then. K thx. (j / k) (j / k). Maybe I will get a black cover then


I Pikachu while you shower.
You should ask mdsfx from umk.com He used to do artwork on many of the sticks from aracde in the box. I dont know if he still takes requests. But you could give it ago.
His email is [email protected]