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hi there!


Hi guys!
Im 22 from the UK and a very big PS3 gamer...... This is my first fighting game and im loving it.. but im terrible .. so a friend from GFAQS told me to come here to check out some tips.. i have done that and im alot better than i was but still getting beat by people even i know are not good.. which says im worse! lol

its a bit disheartening since i can usually pick up a game and be good at it so its getting me down.. hopefully i will become better with the help from the people of this site!


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Welcome to TYM! :)

With practice, possibly you can become another REO. :)


haha i very much doubt ill be at the skill all you guys are.. i was watching that tournament on youtube .. krazy stuff!!

thanks for the welcomes :) now to get my practice on:p