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Hi new here.

What's up I'm new here my name is Austin. Just have a few questions. What should I watch out for when playing reptile since I want to main him. Also what are some bad matchups I should look for. After seeing Chris G playing with reptile I really want to get good with him. Well I'm off to start my practice an training with him I hope to find this a good forum for me.


Double Dasher
Welcome to the forum! I wouldn't worry about Reptile's matchups at all just yet, not until you at least learn how to play as him. I would first check out his guide on the forum http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?2690-GUIDE-Reptile. It really helped me start out and can give you an idea of what Reptile's best tactics and combos are, at least generally. Good luck!

By the way, do you live in Southern California? I know an Austin who also is new at the game, and I'm wondering if you're him...


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Get familiar with Reptile's zoning game, rushdown, oki's, and counter attack tactics, and you'll be solid. As far as matchups go watch out for Sub Zero, Mileena, and CSZ.