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Hi guys :)


"Thanks" button abuser.
Hello guys!
I'm certainly not new to the game, but new to the high-ass combos, competitivety and the community in general.
I'm somewhat of a newbie but I believe I'm learning quickly enough :)

So yeah, I've been lurkin for some time now and I just thought it's time to start posting a bit.
My PSN ID is "eskuAdradit2" (feel free to add) and I believe I'm maining Cyber Sub-Zero just for the lulz. I don't play competitevely(and don't plan on doing so) but I do play to win when online, although losin' is not that of an issue to me.

But anyway, i just wanted to say hi to all of you guys and look forward to have some nice friendly matches with any of you. I've already learned somewhat well about 5 chars and just recently started tryin meterless combos for every character with at least 30%, just to start seein as I tend to always play with random select.

Also, matches with me might lag a bit since I live in Peru, so beware.
