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Hi from zombiebrian

Little about me i guess

Im from Scotland, 30yo remember mk1 coming out and loved mk2 im not a big arcade guy given there arent many around here but when on holiday when mk 2 came out i discovered a passion for the arcade scene.

I wasnt deep into fighting games until sf4 although ive bought every mk (bar mk4 for some reason) and every street fighter thats been out as well as a plethora of other fighters. The online in sf4 really opened up fighters for me in a big way.

I got involved with eventhubs.com early in ssf4 and grew from scrub to a guy that understands that you should always go away and fin a way around something before labeling it. I ran a tourney site called eventhubstourneys for a year or so which was fun but now i mainly look for real tourneys at vs scotland and neoempire having made that jump.

Im a mod on eventhubs and have been part of the decission to add a mk forum on eventhubs a predominantly capcom based site. Catalyst has considered mk9 for on the site and its the closest he has come to featuring a non capcom game.

I still run online ranbats on eventhubs forum and am presently halfway through the xbl season and awaiting on sonys pleasure for the psn one to kick off.

I main kitana (sucker for the females idk why) and i guess i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for catalyst mentioning you to me. I like this game and am a bit bored of super and dont like the direction its taking.


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Welcome to TYM!

If you have any questions feel free to contact the site staff and we will help you out.
wow lots of welcomes thanks, nice that the site welcomes noobies and not bashes em like on some sites. Reminds me of the eh forum