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Hey TYM! Lets rap!


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Sometimes I get bored and start making up raps. I usually don't have anywhere to put them down and the world doesn't need another Platinumberg so I'll probably accost you guys with my lyrics. If you feel like throwing some in, go for it. It could be about your MKX character, you could call someone else out, anything really. Otherwise the topic will just be me throwing out 8 lines of lyrics every so often.

I run this game so strong, you think I'm cheating.
Dropping more bars than an AA meeting.
You got my music in the crib and you blastin',
Dropping punch-lines because you got me straight laughin'.
Your game so hollow, feeling drafty.
Fuck young yeezy, Mac and cheesey, call me Kraft-y.
I'm spinnin label deals while you're stuck spinnin yarn,
You wanna have beef? Better bring the whole farm.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Sucks for the Nightwings that they're so fu. cking. free,
Even with the help of downplayed staff footsies.
It's a shame that none of them have made top 8,
If they had fundamentals then they'd be great.
I have been put in with Batgirl downplayers,
Yet noone backs it up, those untruth sprayers.
Anyone who won't authenticate their thoughts,
Will be disagreed with and I'll fire shots.
Don't make mistakes because I'll correct your posts,
I'll make you learn, even help you with fixed quotes.
Blow me up, I will cut you like Kotal Kahn.
Or I might make you go have sex with your gran.
I am a twisted guy, know that I have wrote
Down ways to torture someone by only throat.
Now that you understand let me move on to
The character in MKX I'll use.
I'm going to main Fujin in MKX.
To colloqualise, his moves will be sex.
Wind manipulation is the best power,
Fuck Raiden, in MK9 he would cower!
I think my thoughts have been covered for this time,
So I think I will put an end to this rhyme.



My blades will find your heart
I cant rap
I cant rap
I cant rap
My songs are crap
I cant rap
I cant rap
I cant rap
My songs are crap
I'm white


Heart From Iron, Mind From Steel.
I know this thread is 8 months old and in a bit of a slump,
So I'll shove something dope right up it's nose and give it a "bump"!
So hi! I'm a Mortal Komba-holic and I main Ferra/Torr.
I'll switch when Smoke is playable or Jupiter gets terraformed.
If a scrub attacks my Lackey it's a fact they'll be embarrassed more.
With both eyes blackened like they fell face first in a mascara store!
But I'm a scrub to better players, so I'm just tryna level up.
I want people thinking, "I gotta face MadeFromMetal? Fuck."
My friends are asking where I've been, I tell 'em I've been in a hole,
With my console and controller tryna master that @Doombawkz Dinner Roll.
I'm working towards when people hear that roar from Torr, they better hide.
Lest I decide to fight and crush their head if they don't Step Aside.
With no projectile weapons I can run through yours to make up space.
I crave the chase. Til I hear little Ferra scream, "BREAK THE FACE!"
Think I'm unsafe? That ain't the case. At most, I might be minus six.
Cuz I know how to hit-confirm. Think it's your turn, you might get hit.
I'm tryna get my sparring partner pissed at me too...
Cuz all he hears at night while trying to sleep is, "VICTORY! WHOO!"