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Hey it's Johnny C!


I'm new here, but an older forum poster at TRMK.org. Big fan of MK and looking to make a local scene for MK9 here in Ohio. Currently living near Wapakoneta and trying to eventually over the years create my own arcade for people to come and play in. Already own the Mortal Kombat 2 arcade machine and eventually looking to get Mortal Kombat 1, Ultimate Motal Kombat 3, The Grid, Mortal Kombat 4, and Killer Instinct 2 arcade machines over time before I make an official opening of the business.
None the less, right now, if anyone lives near Wapakoneta Ohio that would like to help me start a friendly local gaming scene to eventually get people into the pro scene please feel free to contact me and friend me! My XBOX LIVE gamertag is: Johnny C4ge
I own MKAK and two arcade sticks for the 360.
Very stoked to take your advice and get into the arcade business and start up a fun scene around here!

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
So Ryan, which account do you want to use? this one or [user]Johnny Cage[/user]?? Cant have multiple accounts.


I use this one, as I forgot the Johnny Cage account password. :( I registered that one a long time ago. So you can feel free to delete that one!

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I use this one, as I forgot the Johnny Cage account password. :( I registered that one a long time ago. So you can feel free to delete that one!
ok cool. btw i hope the drama from the past stays in the past. I'll leave it at that.

just sayin.


There's no drama here and never has been. I'll clear it up, by basically saying that I've always had respect for you Tim.
You're an excellent MK player, and I personally think you'd make a hell of a great friend.
I'd rather get along with like minded MK fans that live close to me than NOT get along with them.
I look forward to posting here, and to taking your advice on the arcade stuff, since I know you are more versed in that than I am.
Good to see you around!

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Alright man, I'll take your word for it. Good luck with your project, and sorry to side track your thread, but i hope you understand why.


Brother I completely understand. You and myself had some differences. I really hope we can both put that behind us, move on and really kick some you know what in helping grow one heck of an awesome Ohio scene. I hope all is well with you and really look forward to your ideas / tips on getting something set up. I see you've done some awesome stuff with the scene already.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
i hope so.

Between the awesome scene Cleveland has with Console Combat, and of course the Power Up guys down near Cincinnati, Ive been trying to get shit going in Columbus, which has been hard. The scene has a game night at a local bar here in Columbus, but its on Wednesday, which is the worst possible night for me. [user]Lucky Day[/user] and I started a Buckeye Fight Night, but he's been very busy and out of the loop recently, but Season's Beatings is only a couple weeks away, so hopefully that will spark more interest around here for the MK's.


Ahh Seasons Beatings! Cool indeed. A Buckeye Fight Night? Sounds like fun. I've always played with the idea of putting my Mortal Kombat 2 machine in a bar, but I'm half scared it'll be damaged. You've got more courage than I! lol


Anyways, Tim I sent you a friend request on here. Feel free to get a hold of me if you're ever wanting to set something up. I don't think Wapak is that far from Columbus, so if there's anything I can do to help you out let me know.
I'm still trying to figure out some ideas around here, for now.
I like many are on a budget and can only seem to do so much as the time is for now, however later on I'm expecting that budget to increase so hopefully I can get out and do a bit more over time. I really do think it'd be cool to set up my MK 2 in a bar somewhere, I just have to know that I can trust the bar and that it's not really an extremely rowdy place.
If I can get it in there, then I think I'd have no problems getting people to sign up for a tournament. But maybe that'd be harder than I think, too. I guess it all depends on your area, and how many gamers there are that would take interest.
None the less, once I get settled in here, I plan on definately getting a few more machines (especially THE GRID).
Then I'll be ready to do some serious setting up. (Imagine a 4 player set up for the GRID in Ohio, that'd be unheard of and I'm sure when I do get that set up, I'll have to invite ya over for a few games! lol!)
I'm really looking forward to helping you out or at the very least collaborating some ideas.
Take care!

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
If its an actual dedicated MK2 cab, i wouldnt leave it in a public place, ever. at a tourney? sure, but that might even be stretching it. Wapak isnt far, maybe like an hour, hour + 15m or something. Use to pass by it all the time on 117 up to Lima back in the day. 2012 will hopefully be the year to get shit rolling for sure. I've been hindered this year with a lot of personal issues so i havent even had the time much to focus on MK9, or to travel like I did in 2010 to tourneys (EC 4 LIFE!) But yea keep me updated :)


Will do! It is a dedicated MK2. And better yet, a dedicated revision 2.1 which was the first (I believe) arcade release of the game. No deadpool fatality or random select nor blood on certain hits.
It is totally dedicated, the board was still covered with the silver cardboard and never touched, ever.
And I got it for like 350 dollars.
Not too bad! :)
I'm looking at buying The Grid as my next machine, so I'm saving up for that one and hopefully I'll be able to get it come tax time.
I'll definately keep you informed, I think in a few years if I can get this business off the ground I'll do live tournament streams and such.
Imagine a live stream of a Grid tournament. That'd be epic! lol.
But yeah man it's good to be friends with you and hopefully I can get something fired up sooner than later.
It's been a dream of mine to get an arcade rolling that does more than just have machines sitting in it.
If I can get this up off the ground I'll have weekly tournaments with cash prizes, live streams, and since I have nice new DJ equipment from my old DJ business, I'll have that set up in there too playing music and I'll have an MC actually do play by play action for the streams.
Would be really bad ass, the thing I'm doing right now is phase 1:
Buying machines lol.
That's going to take me the most time. Then it'll be renting a place out, having a soft silent opening (IE, no advertising for it) and just opening it up during certain times of the day. I figure I can start it up with about 6 machines, then as time goes on buy more and more of them as business picks up. Then eventually I can have it open during regular hours and make it a full time thing. I have a feeling a lot of people from Lima would love to check this out, and Wapak is pretty decent, a small suburb and I think it could draw a pretty decent crowd here too.
Like I said: Part 1 is now: Buying the machines. LOL... then I just need to go from there.
I'd love to get TYM and of course you involved in any way that I could too.
Would be badass lol!
I'll definately keep folks in the know for sure though.