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Hey I am Kousen


Nice to meet you guys. I been on SRK for awhile( about 2 years now), and I pick up the Mortal Kombat. I didn't care for the new ones until the new one came out. Anywho, here I am.


Welcome to TYM! It's cool that you came on over, who do you think your mains are gonna be?


Crazy 88 Co-Leader
Welcome to TYM, Kousen.

You can find fighter guides by clicking their icon on the top of the forum page. Also check out the Regional Matchmaking section to find Kombatants in your area.

Enjoy your stay.


Shew, I don't know for sure. I best with Scorpion, but I am trying to get Noob, and Ermac down as well. I also like smoke, so I don't know.
Well those guys are all good choices, take a look at the character forums for extra tips and hints on mastering them gameplay-wise. Also what system are you playing on?

EDIT: Ah, 360 you should try posting your gamertag in the xbox forums to check if you can set up some online. Try to find people that are in your area on XBL can make the connection even easier.


Well those guys are all good choices, take a look at the character forums for extra tips and hints on mastering them gameplay-wise. Also what system are you playing on?

EDIT: Ah, 360 you should try posting your gamertag in the xbox forums to check if you can set up some online. Try to find people that are in your area on XBL can make the connection even easier.
Yeah, I not to impressed with the netcode tho. You can't get a good match really.


NJ Jobber
Welcome...and cancel in what way? Like FADC? because thats dot exactly in the game but some moves you can dash dancel through