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Hey guys.

Same old story as many other people. I don't want to make this drag on, but here it goes.

I've been a lurker on TYM since MK9. Came here for all the info and everything else, but I stopped after selling MK9 for some reason. I can't recall why I did...maybe I needed money or something. It's been awhile.

But yeah, I'm here again and finally creating an account here for the most obvious reason; Injustice. Big surprise there, eh?

So, my online handle is Unkultured. I chose that because it pretty much fits to who I am as a person. Just look up "culture" and I lack almost all of what being cultured means. Blah blah blah. I don't want to type up an autobiography.

Going to wrap this up with me contradicting myself by telling you a little more about me. Oh god, even more things to read. When will I finally end this? There's too much to read, and you have to move on with your life. Don't worry, it's ending soon.

I'm planning on playing Black Adam, or Big Black D. Adam; as I like to call him. The "D" stands for Richard. How? When Richard starts with an R? It just does.

I own all the types of controllers for Fighting Games. Pad, Stick, and Hitbox. But I've decided to play Injustice with the SFxT Fightpad S.D., just because I want to. My Hitbox isn't even a year old and I'm not going to be using it for this. So sad...

Oh well. There you have it though, my introduction. A few things just to add in before it really does end.

I play on PS3 and I live in the West Coast of the US. California to be exact. My internet isn't bad at all, trust me on that, and I always run Wired Only. Just wanted to let you know beforehand. For anyone who'd want to spar when Injustice drops. Assuming that I haven't scared everyone away who's attempted to read this long intro.

Now I'm done. Go ahead and TL;DR this. Either that or pretend you read it and tell me "Welcome to TYM. You sound like a cool person!" With that, at least it can seem like all the time I took to type this out was worth it. I had nothing better to do anyway. So whatever.


HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I am grinning from ear to ear right now, that was thoroughly amusing. I like you. Welcome to the site, great community we have here and as you can tell it is really growing for Injustice. There are tons of players all around California as far as I know, so you could also get a lot of offline experience. Any idea on who you are going to be maining?


Welcome mate!
So you like Ed Boon on steroids eh? lol jk.
Enjoy your time here and get hype for IGAU. =D


Blue Blurs for Life!
You should see some of the novels I wrote on this site. Then you'd look at your post and think, "On the other hand...I'd rather read my own shit."

Jokes aside, welcome to TYM! Everyone is getting ready for Injustice these days. Can't wait! :)
Well then, you guys are clearly the best community in all of Fighting Games. Everybody is chill and inviting from what I can tell.

Thanks for all the welcoming...welcomes.

This is definitely going to be my home leading up to Injustice, and forever after when it comes out.
Welcome to this land of stuff that is either darkly or lovable, along with great columns of knowledge, named TestYourMight.com!

What an introduction! I like you already, Unkultured.
Also, this is my reaction to your avatar:

TF Question Mark.jpg
Oh my goodness. Well, now I feel like changing my Avatar, haha. I've used this for awhile now. I didn't know this was a thing.

I'm comfortable changing it to something else if you'd prefer me to do so WannabePlayer. Not a big deal.

Pretty funny though. Never really thought of messing with the picture before. It was perfect when I first saw it.


Lololol, nah. I just changed it for this stupid joke. And yeah, I didn't know it was really a thing outside my group of friends. But yeah, in all seriousness, you're writing is funny and welcome to TYM. It's pretty cool here, especially if you avoid the occasional drama and use the site for mainly a reference and for regional matchmaking. Are you close by The Bay?
Ok then, lol. Thanks for the advice. I don't like drama at all anyway. So I will avoid it for sure if/when it pops up.

Am I close to the Bay Area? I live in San Francisco. So yeah...pretty damn close.


Sweet! If you ever want some offline action in Injustice or MK9, let me know. There are a few of us around the SF-ish area, but most of the NorCal players are concentrated in Sacramento and San Jose.
Yeah, I see that NorCal people are around me, they're never near me. If you know what I mean. There was an arcade in San Francisco not too long ago called SouthTown Arcade. But it didn't have MK9, just older games and AE. It got closed down though.

I've thought about maybe going out to get some offline play in. I don't have a way to get anywhere though. No car, money, or another person to get me there. As hype as I am for Injustice, I still gotta see if I'm really going to get into it. Online play for sure will be all day, everyday for me. But I know nothing beats competitive offline. So we'll see what happens.

Until then, I'll be here on TYM and playing Injustice Online when it drops. Who knows? Maybe I'll make the effort.