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Hey guys, got a few questions about the 360 controller and fighting games

Hi, I'm new here and also fairly new to the fighting genre, the last one i played was Killer instinct for the SNES. My question is I'm having a hard time hitting combo's with the 360 controller. Using the D pad say i want to hit b23 is will often do back and down at the same time messing up my combo. Is it just me or do others have with problem and how did you overcome it? I don't mind spending a little money buying a better controller if that is what it takes.

The Dpad on the 360 is the worst Dpad period. It's pretty much a low grade analog stick with a Dpad glued to it with Elmer's.
Lucky for you there are other cost efficient options


The Prettiest
A lot of people dislike the 360 pad because it's clunky and imprecise. You could always buy a converter so you can use a PS3 controller on your Xbox. Or buy a stick. Or a fightpad.


Lawless Victory!
I had the same problem. Go into controller preset and turn alternate scheme ON.

I use standard X box d-pad and with that scheme I get a lot more accurate inputs. Try it first before you go out and buy another controller.
I had the same problem. Go into controller preset and turn alternate scheme ON.

I use standard X box d-pad and with that scheme I get a lot more accurate inputs. Try it first before you go out and buy another controller.
Thanks everyone for the fast response. I will try doing this if it doesn't help me i will buy the fightpad deathandhealing posted.


It really depends on what you are used to. It is difficult as hell to start out on an xbox controller. I would definitely not start out on an xbox controller if I was you. I use one but Im used to it and I use the d-pad. Im very comfortable with it and I'd be much worse if I used anything else. The only downside for me is down+forward commands coming out when I don't want them to. The d-pad is so damn sensitive.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Personally I would get a stick and learn using that, it is a pricey controller, but it will be great for any fighters on the market, you can get one on amazon for about 100 busck right now.