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Hey everyone!


Hello Test Your Might and MK brethren. I love MK. I played MK for the first time when i was 4 years old back in '93. Never played competitively though, but i was always smashing my friends face in. So I wanted to come here and level up my game against people who want to learn the game and become great because thats what i want to be. I've been playing other recent fighting games alot lately, and i got respect for those games because they got me into seriously learning the engine of a fighting game, but this is MK. It's MK!!! It's back and i'll be dropping the others to put my hard time into this game. I really want to be involved in the community so you'll see mkds2011 floating around alot in various places. I will be online for sure so i hope to play with all you guys. My XBL is ishimura89. I live in the Bay Area, but im down to play anyone from anywhere. Hope to see yall around!!!