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Here's what zombies really look like


They sign a petition to repeal the Second Amendment and door to door gun confiscation. Pretty scary, and sad.



Noob Saibot
It's a sick world we live in and it should just reinforce the fact that we NEED to be armed to protect ourselves.

It's funny that so many socialist (yes, that's what they are) say "Blah blah blah, you don't need 30 round magazines to hunt."

Not one fucking sentence in the second amendment states ANYTHING about hunting, NOT ONE. It's there to protect the people from tyranny, unlawfulness, corruption, and government take over of the people of this country.

Obama wants nothing more than for people to become completely dependent on the Government because he then has full power and people are too stupid to realize it. Not to mention the fact that almost half of this country don't pay a red cent in taxes. That's another thing that gets me, people say "tax refund". You have to actually PAY taxes to get a tax refund. If you only PAY in $2,000 a year but get back $10,000, that's not a refund; that's a handout.

Getting back to the "Gun Control" that's all it is, CONTROL. See how that's working our for ALL of these cities and states that implement it. Everyone of the top ten highest murder per capita cities have the strictest gun control in the country. Ironic, isn't it?

Not saying the Republicans are any better. More and more are for more I depth background checks and siding with the left except thee few like Rand Paul.

Rand is probably the only right wing (I guess you can call him a Libertarian) that I support. I used to be a die hard Republican, but fuck em all. They are all corrupt and want nothing more than control.

Nobody has ever fought the NDAA bill or the drone project that Obama is implementing as we speak EXCEPT for Paul and Rubio.

End rant.

TLDR: We need a revolution.


If the US government started dropping bombs on its own law abiding citizens do realize how many people this would wake up?
well you are coming at them with a 50 cal and since there's a proposed revolution...

well yeah.


If the US government started dropping bombs on its own law abiding citizens do realize how many people this would wake up?
well you are coming at them with a 50 cal and since there's a proposed revolution...

well yeah.


I'm not here to argue with anyone, I just thought this video was OUTRAGEOUS and worthy of posting here. It's going viral on YouTube right now.


Noob Saibot
assault rifles won't protect you from drone strikes

What's an assault rifle? If you're going to try and be a dick head at least know what you're talking about. Ok?

And to answer your question an Armalite style Rifle might not do anything against a drone strike, but it will and has deterred tyrannical lunatics in the past. If they are successful they first and foremost disarmed the citizens.

Did you ever see the movie where only officers and government were permitted to have firearms? I can't recall it, oh wait, it was called Schindler's List.

Good day.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Will a 50 cal protect you from tanks and bombers?
No way in hell are there enough tanks and bombers in this country to take on an organized free society militia like that of the US. IF the government made an assault on the citizens of the US they would be struck down and taken out. You see...that's why they must disarm us first.


Noob Saibot
well you are coming at them with a 50 cal and since there's a proposed revolution...

well yeah.

The military wont side with the government. There have been thousands upon thousands of troops that hate the government.

There isn't a law saying you have to like the government. It is our RIGHT to keep them in check and be reasonable. People forget that we own the government. Unfortunately, some people don't care and those are the ones who are usually dependent on the tax payers of this country.


The military wont side with the government. There have been thousands upon thousands of troops that hate the government.

There isn't a law saying you have to like the government. It is our RIGHT to keep them in check and be reasonable. People forget that we own the government. Unfortunately, some people don't care and those are the ones who are usually dependent on the tax payers of this country.
i'm not like, trying to be a dick by the way, i just don't see how a revolution will work considering the firepower they have. i'm young though so maybe i'm just missing the bigger picture.

and an FYI i don't like the government either, so let's be friends here. :)


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
People really should do their research on this sort of topic before spatting out rude comments and/or uniformed opinions. I was blown away when I took the time to research "Globalist Bankers" and the "BilderBerg Group" and the "Trilateral Commission". I mean, it's pretty frightening what they have planned for our future....and trust me, when you control the Federal Reserve and the rest of the money on Earth...you control the world and it's leaders.

So many of our former presidents (Jefferson comes to mind) warned us to watch out for the bankers. Essentially bankers that control the currency are more a danger to our civil liberties than a standing army.


Noob Saibot

even though it's true, household weapons(even military guns) aren't going to save you from tanks, bombers, and, again, drone strikes.

did those lunatics have the kind of technology that the U.S. has today?
Assault Rifle is improper terminology. Wikipedia has failed society once again. AR15 stands for ArmaLite Rifle which was the manufacturer of the first "black rifle" or "M16".

Comparing technology of today to technology of the past is idiotic. Why do you drive (assuming you do) drive a modern day vehicle? Or why do you depend on modern medicine and science and not that of 200 years ago? Because its better, more reliable, safer, efficient, etc.

I believe all military regimes had tanks, planes, missiles, etc... I don't understand where you are coming from with this?

Fact of the matter is this, in simple terms;

People with guns = Harder to control

People without guns = Free control and complete dominance over society.

Or maybe I should say this

People with guns vs Tyrannical government is a 4-6 MU

People without guns vs Tyranical Government is a 5 -5.

Is that easier to understand?


Noob Saibot
i'm not like, trying to be a dick by the way, i just don't see how a revolution will work considering the firepower they have. i'm young though so maybe i'm just missing the bigger picture.

and an FYI i don't like the government either, so let's be friends here. :)

Sounds good comrad.

I didn't mean to come off like an elitist snob . Sorry about that.

But yeah, I don't understand what's going on man. It's like the country went from bad to worse in the past 13 years.

We are screwed.


My blades will find your heart
No way in hell are there enough tanks and bombers in this country to take on an organized free society militia like that of the US. IF the government made an assault on the citizens of the US they would be struck down and taken out. You see...that's why they must disarm us first.
You are severely underestimating how technologically advanced our military is. The population could not take it on if it's full force was used. And hell, in this post apocalyptic pipe dream why couldn't NATO get involved? Maybe throw in China too?


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
You are severely underestimating how technologically advanced our military is. The population could not take it on if it's full force was used. And hell, in this post apocalyptic pipe dream why couldn't NATO get involved? Maybe throw in China too?
No...I'm not underestimating "how technologically advanced our military is" at all. If it were as simple as you are suggesting, then they would just go ahead and do it already. No...they must disarm us first.