TYM White Knight
These are the results based upon the 1 week polling of TYM/MKU users of who their top 10 characters were.
Do you agree with this list? Is it accurate? Do the numbers lie?
YOU created this list, and I am eager to see if they are as you expected, or if they differ.
Do you agree with this list? Is it accurate? Do the numbers lie?
YOU created this list, and I am eager to see if they are as you expected, or if they differ.
Stats are to be read like this:
Summation of all votes divided by (amount of votes recieved) =
[statistical representation of place]
SD = Standard Deviation
#1. Kabal
69 /(67)= [1.03]
SD: 0.2443
Median: 1
Mode: 1
#2. Kenshi
218 / (67)=[3.25]
SD: 1.5796
Median: 3
Mode: 2
#3. Kung Lao
246 / (67) = [3.82]
SD: 1.9063
Median: 3
Mode: 2
#4. Cyrax
262/(63) = [4.15]
SD: 1.5679
Median: 4
#5. Sonya
298 / (67)= [4.44]
SD: 1.306
Median: 4
Mode: 5
#6. Freddy Kreuger
367 / (66) =[5.56]
SD: 1.6279
Median: 6
Mode: 6
#7. Skarlet
335 / (45) = [7.44]
SD: 1.9488
Median: 8
Mode: 7
#8. Smoke
492 / (62) = [7.93]
SD: 1.4127
Median: 8
Mode: 7
#9. Johnny Cage
470 / (58) = [8.1]
SD: 1.4949
Median: 8
Mode: 8
#10. Kitana
361 / (44) = [8.2]
SD: 1.9951
Median: 9
Mode: 10