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Helping picking a couple new characters

Hey guys I'll make this straight to the point. I'm looking for some new characters to start using. Right now I use Ermac and I do pretty well with him and his gameplay suits me. Basically I'm looking for a midscreen zoner character who can still be aggressive whn the get the opening. I was thinking Kensh but I would like to see more suggestions. Thanks in advance.


Kenshi, Sektor, Reptile, *Noob, **Sub-Zero

* Noob is a zoner, obviously, but some people overlook how aggressive he can be. Black hole resets and having all of his strings be safe on block thanks to upknee can cause some frustration and openings when combined with his great projectiles and a teleport.

** While Sub has "zoning" tools, I don't really see him as a zoner exactly. He can play like one to an extent, but I feel it's more space control myself. The beauty is he can be played plenty different ways and still be successful, though.