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Tech Help ya boi big daddy Soup


My mom tells me I'm pretty
Since back in da days of 2012, ya boi Soup has struggled with nerves in tournaments. I believe that a major part of this is because I literally only knew how to play against one character in Mortal Kombat 9 (Kabal). I have never felt confident going into a tournament match, unless I was against a Kabal. Nerves continuously got the best of me, and I never bothered to learn matchups because I stopped playing the game after the smoothie incident at MLG Raleigh.

After Tremor's reveal, I have decided to take MKX seriously. This includes grinding out all matchups, and possibly learning the cast again like MK9. I am asking the community for help in learning matchups because I am just a big daddy and relatively unknown in Injustice.

I will be getting MKX on Xbox 1 and PC. If you could assist big daddy, pls let me know. God bless.

Here's a 3S video of big daddy RX


Online Scrub Lord
I could of swore you said you weren't going to play Mk X, but I'm glad you changed your mind. I think the more you go to tournaments, the nerves become less and less, at least that's what other players have said.


My mom tells me I'm pretty
I could of swore you said you weren't going to play Mk X, but I'm glad you changed your mind. I think the more you go to tournaments, the nerves become less and less, at least that's what other players have said.
I actually wasn't originally. I had no interest in learning any character, aside from small interest in Jax, Erron, and Kotal. Tremor's reveal got me hyped again. Something about an earthbending ninja hahaha
As long as I'm paid in soup,I'll take it.
Will provide!
Rx urien is so nasty
RX Urien is my inspiration