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Help with Xbox One and Converters


"I still got it...but not much of it"
Ok so after much thought, i decided to buy an Xbox One for MK X and Killer Instinct ESL cups. I heard bad things about the gamepad, i'm a pad player so this is kind of an issue for me, at least i remember i never liked the 360 pad for fighting games. My gamepad of choice is the Dualshock 4, and i would really prefer to use it across all platforms. The thing is, i have never used converters, they are not available to buy locally so i don't have any experience with them.
I did some research on XCM Cross Battle Rapid Fire converter:

Not many positive reviews, issues with inputs and headphones as well. I was wondering if someone could recommend a converter for Ds4 on XB1, or maybe even a really good gamepad? What do you play with on XB1?


Loud and Klear~
I'm a stick player but in KI I use the XB1 pad and it works just fine.. as long as you don't use the d-pad. The XB1's d-pad is really weird, it feels very wonky and I'm very aware that it'll eat some of my inputs coz of how small it is.


"I still got it...but not much of it"
I'm a stick player but in KI I use the XB1 pad and it works just fine.. as long as you don't use the d-pad. The XB1's d-pad is really weird, it feels very wonky and I'm very aware that it'll eat some of my inputs coz of how small it is.
A good D-Pad is crucial to me, that's why i made this thread. I would prefer to play with a DS4 on XB1 somehow, but any recommendation is welcome.