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Help with mk terms

I recently watched the powerup tournament and hear a few terms I am unfamiliar with.

Some things I hear:

1) Wake up attack - what is the purpose of this and it's advantage?

2) Safe on block - what is safe on block, and unsafe on block?

I will post more terms as I come across them for people who are not familiar so they can come here and read up.
wake up attack is a special move you can do as you get up from being knockd down. there are invicibility frames in the beginning. advantages.. depending on character, and of course the invincibility. disadvantages... not always safe on block.

safe on block basically means if you attack and they block, you will be able to block in time if they attack.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I recently watched the powerup tournament and hear a few terms I am unfamiliar with.

Some things I hear:

1) Wake up attack - what is the purpose of this and it's advantage?

2) Safe on block - what is safe on block, and unsafe on block?

I will post more terms as I come across them for people who are not familiar so they can come here and read up.

Yeah and some wake up attacks are VERY fast with characters, like Kung's Spin or Ermac's TKS and Force Push. There's several others but just giving you two examples. If you constantly spam a wake up attack and your foe expects it they can punish you if they anticipate it, so only use it if someone is constantly rushing you down/on top of you. By doing that, they're not cautious of wake up attacks and you'll get them with that tactic, then they will think twice before rushing you down constantly.

You can also roll back recover and/or stay on the ground if you wish. You can also quick recover.

And like dope said, safe on block is when you do an attack, combo etc and when your foe blocks it they can't counter you from blocking that move, and you'll be able to block their incoming attacks thus you are SAFE when it's blocked. Some moves, combos however leave you open and you can be punished, others are safe on block.
also note that you can use a slightly delayed wakeup attack, but wait too long and you lose invincibility, and you can roll back and wake up attack also. note* not all wakeup attacks have invincibility (source tom brady guide)


Yea how about advantage? This is something I see in the Brady guides, like advantage +1 or -2. Are these frames?

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Yea how about advantage? This is something I see in the Brady guides, like advantage +1 or -2. Are these frames?

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using Tapatalk
yup if your attack is +1 on block that means you can move 1 frame before your opponent. according to the frame data project... an example of an attack would be cage's BP takes 7 frames, just to give you an example. so generally you wanna initiate block strings that are safe on block, or even better have frame advantage.

disclaimer type sht: im not an expert, i just love fighting games.. so if i give false info, too bad.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah, I've noticed nobody really knows the exact frames yet of everything in the game as it's not released since developers don't like releasing all that info so I've read lol

But yeah, some moves definitely have advantages and disadvantages. Best way is to play, experiment and finding out yourself thru experience naturally too. :)