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Help Me with My Bio Formal Lab Report?

So I'm pretty much done with my formal lab report. Just need some help for the extension. So part of the extension is supposed to talk about how my experiment could be beneficial (sky's the limit as she says). Specifically how can it be beneficial in the areas of 1. Acid rain and its effect on plant growth and germination and 2. How the enzymes of a plant may be effected by changes in pH. So here are the details

Problem: How does pH affect the growth of radish seeds

Objective: To find how pH affects the growth of radish seeds.

Experiment: 3 petri dishes. 3 different sets of seeds. 3 different treatments (acid solution, water, alkaline solution) I measured the data every day for 8 days to find which was the tallest, shortest, and in the middle.

Extension: How is can this experiment be used? Specifically on the areas of how acid rain effects plant growth and germination. Also in the area of how the enzymes of a plant are effected by changes in pH.

To reiterate, I'm trying to find this really creative way on how my experiment can be used in areas such as stated in the extension portion. I would usually ask my friends but they can get kind of.... hush hush on their grades/labs/tests/quizzes and all the other stuff lol :)