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Help me out - PS4 or XBONE


"Burn baby! Burn!"
Hello folks!

Soon I'll get my ones on a new gen console. However I'm torn up... I'd like to go Msoft this gen, but I wanna know if it is worth it over PS4.

I live in EU so I wanted to know if theres any diference on the online "population", for ps4 and xbone, or they are equaly "populated"?

The ESL Online Tournament is XBONE only and thats a big plus, like an objective to fight for. For me thats a plus.

What's your advice on this?

Try to avoid the biased comments tho :b I like both consoles, the pads, so I just wanna know which one has more competition.

Thanks guys! =)
If you're into other fighting games besides MK, PS4 is the way to go. XBone has Killer Instinct, but Street Fighter V and Skullgirls are upcoming PS4 exclusives. Getting an XBone means no Street Fighter for you. Additionally, the PS4 is the tournament standard for MKX everywhere except the ESL league.