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Help me improve my tournament streams / Send to Final Round


Media Master
Hey guys,
After streaming Frosy Faustings I realized that there is a lot I can do to make my stream look better and just be more professional. I made a video on my YouTube page just explaining everything in detail.
Tomorrow starting at Noon i will do a marathon donation live stream for Mortal Kombat just to raise some money. The main goal is to have enough to buy all the equipment I need. If I raise enough the excess will be used for expenses to go to Final Round. FR is not a certainty, it all depends on how much I am able to raise.

I would really appreciate anyone's help and if you can't make it but would still like to help out, donations can be sent to this link - http://www.chipin.com/contribute/id/c0ba14dfabb77cd3 ,
Thanks for reading.



I personally thought that the apex stream was done really well. FF was done pretty well to! I don't know anything about streaming but if it is anything like Apex2012 then I'd say its pretty lagit. Thats my 2 cents.
Medina...I'll donate to support the community, but I'll donate a lot more if you give some Tekken time on the stream. I'm local as well and go to GGA on Thursdays.