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Question - Kung Lao Help me choose a variation please.

Alvhe Feleo

Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow.
Hey there, I'm learning every character around there and this time it's Kung Lao's turn to kick in. I've played a bit with every variation but don't know which one should I try out to get started here, here's what I've read about and seen in videos:
- Buzz saw is the lamest and it looks like the best-balanced one.
- Tempest looks more defensive, with the orbiting hat and the enhanced base spin, but I lose the advancing ex spin wakeup.
- Hat trick... well I simply don't understand this one, aside from having setups.

My question is, which variation should I go for? Which one offers the best overall performance? Also any relevant information such as "this was nerfed, this was buffed or this is overall unsafe (e.g. all kenjutsu specials)" would be appreciated too.

I hope someone can help me out, cheers!

EDIT: Extra question, is there any way to do 112124 without a claw grip? I mean, can I do that using my thumbs and without sliding the finger?