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Hello TYM!

Hey guys, I am glad to have joined this site finally after lurking for a while :). After watching the PowerUP stream, I finally made an account and plan on participating and and learning a lot about MK here and meeting new friends.

Right now, I want to try to master Reptile, but it's quite difficult and I hope to learn the best from here. I am literally a newb, but everyone starts somewhere right? I'll most likely move on to Subzero afterwards.

THTB made me <3 him, his Reptile is amazing. I hope I can learn from him in the near future. Amazing job to everyone overall, it was really entertaining.

I desire to try to go to participate in Tourneys to get better, but finding a local scene in Chicago is hard. I want to experience playing against actual players, and testing myself in real time. Though it's tough to do especially when you have limited access to transportation, bad experiences, or friends who play shooters. I hope to get advice.

Thank You All.
It's the same here in SO Fl. There's no arcades around and PSN is of course, down. So don't worry about being left out. :)
Karried hello and welcome to TYM. :)

There are ton of Chicago players who play a variety of fighting games. Unfortunately they don't all post on here...but on SRK. So I encourage you to check in with them and then GET ALL OF YOUS TO POST ON HERE lol.

One of the Chicago players made a thread in the midwest regional section. That thread can be found here:


I am from Racine, WI which is less than an 1hr 15 minutes from Chicago. So hit me up and maybe we can schedule something.