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Hello TYM!! New to fighters in general, hoping to get better!


Hi! I'm new but i've been checking out this site constantly because its so awesome! I'm a fighter noob as i usually play fighters with some bros casually (tekken, mvc3, BB) but i never tried to practice and improve to get better.

However, once MK9 came out (my first MK game tbh) i love this game so much because it had so much content which makes me want to put more effort into this. So yeah just saying hi and hoping to be better to play more "competitively" in general. The community i've seen so far has been really nice compared to the previous games i used to play "competitively" i.e. HoN and LoL.

Right now my main for this game is Scorpian because he looked so bad ass and had tools to deal with most scenarios i.e. zoners, turtlers (based on how i feel im noob so im probably wrong.) However, hes the most played class which kinda makes me uncomfortable because i don't really like mirror matches so i was wondering if any of you guys can help me find a second character to main similar to scorpion.

thanks :D


Scorpion is pretty rarely played at a high level. At nationals, for instance, there were only a few in a field of nearly a hundred...

My guess if you are seeing a lot of them is that you are mostly playing people who are new to the game who simply picked a character they felt familiar with (sub zero and scorpion basically being the poster ninjas for MK).

If you intend to take your game to a high level then you shouldn't have to worry about there being "too many scorpions" at ALL. If you don't then just pick whoever you feel like at the time, imo if you're just playing to have fun then have fun with it!


Nightwolf Mourner
Welcome to TYM!!!! For now, don't worry about picking up another character, just stick with Scorpion for a little bit before you decide to expand.


Do you play as Sentinel on MVC3 by any chance?
Welcome to TYM, I recommend anybody on the top row for a secondary btw.