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Hello, from Tacoma WA.

Hi everybody. I've been lurking around TYM for the past week or so, and I figured I'd get an account today. The first fighter I ever played on a regular basis was SC2 (it came out a couple of days before I turned 15). after a break from fighting games I picked up Tekken 6. My brother and I fell in love with it, and with it I learned about frames, punishing, juggling, and other fighting game staples.
My first 2D game (besides various MK's and Street Fighters when I was younger), was MVC3. I got MK9 the day after it came out, and my brother and I have been loving every minute of this great game. I don't main anybody yet, but have a lot of experience with Kabal, Baraka, Nightwolf, Scorpion, and Kano (and have been getting used to Sonya today).
I'm playing on XBOX, and I'm up for private matches or KOTH (though I do have school and work, so not always available). I have a good connection (always green, as far as I'm aware), so if you do too hit me up for some hopefully lagless matches. Sultanofskwirlz is my gamertag. Also, I'm kinda curious about any offline MK communities in the greater Seattle area.

Anyway, it's a great site, and so far seems like a pretty helpful FG community.
Hey! New to the scene myself but we're trying to get a scene started out here in the Seattle area. Check the thread out and hopefully you can make it out to one of our sessions. We're all just trying to get better (I'm pure trash) so no worries on skill level. All the guys that have come by so far have been great. PM me and I'll get you all the info you'll need if you're interested.
