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Hello from Seattle


Hi I just recently got MK9 and I am really enjoying it. BUT I don't know what character to play and I'm wondering if I could get a little guidance.

I typically tend to gravitate towards characters that are "Jack of all trade" characters. Usually zoning style, but with the ability to switch it up and rushdown. The problem I'm having is that I feel like most of the MK cast is like this from my limited time with the game.

In SSF4 I played mostly Juri and Sagat, with a little Gouken, T.Hawk and Honda on the side. So fireball/normals zoning, with some mixup potential or just decent pressure.

In BB I played Mu-12.
So again with good normals to zone, some lazers, and the ability to do some good rushdown via good oki setups.

I'm hoping to save a little time by asking about characters, as I have very little time to play and this game plays so differently from other fighters. Hope this is cool and it's not too much of a "Pick my main" thread.

Glad to be here and I look forward to learning a ton!


Thanks for the replies guys. I'll add Cage to the list. I think I've narrowed things down a little. I'm currently looking at Cage, Reptile,Noob, Stryker, Kung Lao,Kano and maaaaaaaaaaaaybe Sindel lol. That's still a lot :D

I will definitely check it out, but I'll warn you that, due to work and school, I'm like a rare pokemon. You almost never see me in person and when you do I'm usually kind of disappointing. :doh:

Edit: Gah! Ermac also looks cool. FML!