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Hello from San Diego

Been playing console games competitively for awhile now. Ive jumped back and forth between Halo and CoD mostly. However, with me starting college and working ful time i have a much les sflexible schedule and cant get on and play with teammates as often as i would like, but didnt wanna totally stop playing competitively.

I was planning on getting MK9 anyways, and saw it as an oppourtunity to both learn a new style of game as well as play competitively since i can play when my schedule allows.

Been playing the past couple weeks and am LOVING the game, with absolutely no knoowledgee offighters at all (zoners/rushers, your guys number system when refering to controls,what is/isnt safe as wwell as getting familiar with the fighter scene in general). My characters i play are Skorpion, Sektor, Raiden, and Noob. I do plan on attending tournamnts but thats a ways down the line as i have no experience with a fighter before this.

Anyways, my Gamertag is Chenstrap and i play on XBL. Anyone who wants to play feel free to add me.

Also, seems like the community here is pretty mature. Thats great considering the communities i come from seem to lack that characteristic.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Cool dude, I'll play you on xbox live sometime if you wish :)

You sound cool. Welcome to the MK scene and TYM, have fun! :)