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Hello from Romania

Hello guys, im writing this from Romania. My name is Baciu Alexandru-Paul (apbaciu) and today my MK9 copy arrived.

As you can see my profile says i'm a noob, and thats quite right. But i would like to learn more and become a little more better than a noob :). So thats why i've chosen TYM. I hope i will find the guide i want on this forum.

For the start i would like to ask 2 questions :D:

1) I am using the PS3 controller for this game and i'm really worried for it because i think i will broke it :), so can you recomend me a good stick or madcatz controller at a fair price?

2) My favourite character is Johny Cage, and i think it will be my main too, so can anyone show me a good guide to play with him.

Thank you very much.