What's new

Hello everyone.


Give Me Strength
Hey Test Your Might members. My name's Bart, I'm a 17-year-old guy from Michigan (which, unfortunately does not have a great fighting game scene from what I know). I got MK used last week and and I love it. Unfortunately I had to return it - temporarily - to pay for L.A. Noire, BUT I will be getting it some time next week again. I play casual right now but I really enjoy the game and may be going to some tournaments soon. As of right now I use Nightwolf, but I might switch up, we'll see. So yeah, what's up? :)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Welcome to TYM! :)

From what I know, it's not very booming there aside from guys like Wolfkrone (Who also plays MK on the side).


Give Me Strength
Thanks guys. Yeah, it isn't much but hopefully soon it builds up a little, or I can start going out to tournies. Anyway, thanks again for the welcome, loved watching the both of you at PowerUp. Really dig your Reptile, THTB.
In the event you don't get a scene around the area, you can always just play for fun online. If that's the case, maybe I'll fight you sometime.


Give Me Strength
Thanks everyone. And yeah Iron, I'm hoping to start playing online whenever the hell Sony decides to put up the PS store and all that. My PSN is right under my avatar if you want to play me whenever that is. :)