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[HD] LadyJadeAssassin vs RAGE QUITTERS (PS3)

DISCLAIMER: The purpose of this video is only to show sore losers who have been made into bitches by choosing to quit! ENJOY!

I never really understood the point of people quitting during a match. I get that sometime people have to leave or may have to do something more important during a match, therefore they have to quit the game. I'm referring to people who so just because they are sore losers. Are u that embarrassed to be losing that u feel the need to press start and quit a match? What's the point in playing? We ALL lose from time to time. I usually get the stupid excuse of "cuz ur spamming", "cuz i got bored".... the usual pathetic lines. Sweetie, sell your game and stop taking the fun out of it for people who actually have skills!

Chris-aka314: (His record is 4580/938) I actually played two tag matches and I made him quit on the second fight. The first fight was his Kano/Kabal against my Sonya/Mileena and I won the first match by taking both his characters out with Mileena. The second fight, shown in the video above, was fairly easy because I realized that he has to start his combos by jumping over you. Once he realized he couldn't get them to work on me anymore.... HE QUIT! He said that "all i did was spam on both fights". I don't think people really understand what it means to spam. I think some just use it as an excuse to justify (mainly to people in chat after I call them out) why they quit. He also said that I have no skills. Oh, ok. Anyways, I smell a noob chaser. RECORDED 11/9/2011

I_GOT_YO_AZZ: This guy was FULL of excuses so I decided to post part of his sad excuse. We played through two fights before he finally decides to quit. He first tried saying that he didn't quit and he then tried blaming lag. 1) Make up your mind on which pathetic excuse you wanna use and 2) Clearly from the video you can tell there was absolutely NO lag. RECORDED 9/17/2011

BODYBAG-RIDDLA: Where do I begin? Should I start with how BAD he sucks or how much of a sore loser this guy is. Besides KOH, I only remember playing him 1v1 one time. While watching others play, NEVER gives out points. When he loses he makes sure to hand out a 0. Every time I see him online I challenge him.... and EVERY time he declines. I asked him why and gave the default answer of saying that I spam. If you have ever noticed, he only plays people with slightly lower scores. It was such a miracle shock that he accepted my challenge (i assume it was because my record on that account was so horrible). I also can't believe that he is apart of a clan. The clan btw SUCKS ass. RIDDLA's skills are horrible. He couldn't even make combo =-/. RECORED 11/12/2011

LudaBuda_2011: I actually was confused by this fight. He kept challenging me while I was typing, so I had to decline. Then when I finally fought him, he quits. He was actually kinda good. I guess some people can't handle the pressure of losing. RECORDED: 9/24/2011

Sinwatcher: He is one of those people who I consider an attention whore. They spend their time spamming the chat talking (to no specific person) about how good they are. Once you fight them, you realize they spam the chat because they're not that good. Hey, they spent $60 on the game they might as well get some use of it. Why not just spend all day talking shit and pretending to be good. I wont waste your time talking about that fight. RECORDED 10/1/2011

MKMIKE70: When I saw him in the chat it took me a minute to figure out why his name look so familiar. I remember that I played him from MKvsDC. His Jax was spam-tastic! If you ever want to know the true definition of what "spam" is, the look up is fight with TylerLantern. Fortunately, he didnt pull on me like he did Tyler , but he did quit. The sad thing about this is we played around 6 or 7 fights before quitting on the last one. Why not just take your ass whooping. RECORDED 9/5/1011

Why they mad though? It's JUST a game. Regardless if you quit or not, YOUR STILL GETTING A LOSS! So I ask, what's the point?:grr:

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tsk squared... rage quitters are pathetic. I encounter them all the time on 360. No competition at all for me here. Everyone is so free. Hopefully when i get a ps3 i can find some competition. Nice matches btw.


My blades will find your heart
Im sorry but so what? Half of my matches after I win end with them ragequitting(usually disconnecting their internet so I dont get the win) but it isnt an accomplishment. Oh well, I beat some scrubs who dont know how to play and are sore losers.

I get your trying to expose them, but this happens on a daily basis so I dont see what the point of recording it is.
i never ever ragequit playing ssf4 since 2 years
but in mk is like a virus, ppl ragequit 2 u everyday, and soon u begin to ragequit as well xD
such negative online experience i only have with mk9, by far

i ragequit sometimes, but not because of the opponent, because of fails in the game, THAT makes me ragequit
when i face an noob saibot 4 example, i lose and lose just by nothing, i ask myself, how can this posible??
or vanilla cyrax with is traps and resets, i rage and ask myself, how nrs can develope this char?

last word: kabal is now imho the last broken char in mk9, we all know why, that makes me sometimes rage as well ;D

oh i forget 1 thing, of corse bad online code (lag)

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Im sorry but so what? Half of my matches after I win end with them ragequitting(usually disconnecting their internet so I dont get the win) but it isnt an accomplishment. Oh well, I beat some scrubs who dont know how to play and are sore losers.

I get your trying to expose them, but this happens on a daily basis so I dont see what the point of recording it is.
I have to agree with this, I face maybe 2 good randoms a day playing ranked? Kind of grown to expect this behavior. Admittedly there are good players on PS3 though; but you have to look for them.

I'll occasionally drop a match but it's really only when I face a Scorpion from Brazil, can't even land a bnb in that lag. Thought the game allegedly had region lock? No idea why I get paired up with people from South America all the time.


1 2 3 drink
yeah out of 10 matches i play online, maybe 6 or 7 ragequit, so good job exposing but its like filling an endless hole...


1 2 3 drink
or vanilla cyrax with is traps and resets, i rage and ask myself, how nrs can develope this char?
quitting because of cyrax his resets? YAWNNN
i can understand quitting because bad connection , but quitting because u have to deal with certain characters/resets is just stupid
since i came from playing ssf4, dealing against an char that have MILLIONS of ways to catch u with net and u eat an 70% or 100 with reset..
yes believe it or not, that can be a lil hard, the most of my friends drop the game because of such things.

but mk players, or mk fanboys that never play other fighting games, maybe dont understand this type of things, its ok

dont forget i wrote about VANILA cyrax, if u know what that means..
This thread is terrible. Who cares about "ragequitters" and the atrocious lagfest that MKOnline is? Also, not all "ragequitters" are people that care about their records or their online "reputation". The people that actually know how to play MK9 usually leave when they can't play properly due to the lag. These are the people that can actually notice the lag, not the people that have been online so long they aren't even aware that they are playing lag kombat.


1 2 3 drink
since i came from playing ssf4, dealing against an char that have MILLIONS of ways to catch u with net and u eat an 70% or 100 with reset..
yes believe it or not, that can be a lil hard, the most of my friends drop the game because of such things.

but mk players, or mk fanboys that never play other fighting games, maybe dont understand this type of things, its ok

dont forget i wrote about VANILA cyrax, if u know what that means..
i played other fighting games too. so what