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Has anyone tried stage fatality inputs at different distances?

Basically my question for those who have the game is have you tried stage fatality inputs at different distances in a given arena? I'm thinking if someone out there was to try this, then it might work for some rumored stages (with fatals) that no one has had any luck in, like the Belltower.

Also how many given distances are there within the fatality trainer? Is it like close, mid screen, from wall, or how exactly do they set it up? I can only imagine this setup would work for arenas as well.

I'm glad to be here and hope I'm welcomed too. :)
Cool. Thanks for the reply. So then have you discovered stage fatals by trying those different distances for the Belltower, Shangs Garden, Armory and Wastelands for example? Since these are rumored to have them. The only ones I've seen so far are from these videos:


Also, I'm thinking maybe you might have to be close/behind an object in a environment, that one would suspect to be harmful in order for the stage fatality input to be recognized. Is it like that with say the trees of the Living Forest?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Hmm, interesting I guess we'll find out more this week as people play and post vids on them. Sometimes distance matters, othertimes not. I'd take a guess and say it does since normal fatalities you have to be close, sweep, far, mid etc like oldschool MK but who knows. I'm sure the guide will say.