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Happy Thanksgiving USA maggots


Happy thanksgiving all USA ppl on this site

btw wat is happy thanksgiving

I dnt think we celebrate happy thanks givin in uk
wazz said:
Happy thanksgiving all USA ppl on this site

btw wat is happy thanksgiving

I dnt think we celebrate happy thanks givin in uk
It really just boils down to an excuse to Eat an enormous amount of food , Turkey , Stuffing, Corn, Potatoes......
Wazz, maybe you should make a x-mas special food eatin vid. You can wear a hat from a cracker and eat turkey.


EFL Founder
wazz said:
btw wat is happy thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is basically the day the Pilgrims sat down with the Native Americans and said, "I'm tired of all your resistance. We just wanted to come here and rape your land, crops, and women. We didn't plan on it being very difficult to get away with, but we admire the fight in you. Let's have some turkey."

And that was that. Now we have lawless reservations with casinos running their towns.


R.I.P. Dj Screw
Happy Thanksgiving everybody on ClassicMK, no doubt!!! And have a very good After Thanksgiving Weekend!!!