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GTA:O/ XBONE/ KI Dream (its long but hear me out)

In my dream i was playing GTA:O TDM with my some friends. I was roaming and ended up in a building and there was a door on the side. I went in and it lead upwards and i ended up in a attic with a TV. (you guys remember in CJs house from SA the game system?) It was one of those and it was a XB1. It said press dpad right to play so i did. Then i ended up with a XB1 controller while still holding my 360 controller. I proceeded to see people on a friends list playing XB1 games. I then tried to download KI on the system and it worked, but i couldnt play it was just a bunch of characters and when i even clicked Jago it wouldnt start . I told my friend and we found the place after the match but there was no TV nothing just the attic. After that i dashboarded and i was looking around my dashboard and there it was KI and another XB1 game. I clicked it and it worked and i was actually playing. I knew i was dreaming because poison was on the roster and some characters ive never even heard of. Idk i just felt the dream was so real yet i knew i was dreaming and i had to post it because this shit was crazy lol