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Greetings from Norway to TYM!


Greetings from Norway! I'm a super noob in the word's true meaning when it comes to MK. Never really been into the series (skipped 5-8), but caught interest for the game after watching tournament streams of MK9.

Currently playing Nightwolf, simply because he's proving that lightning can strike twice in one spot (but rarely hitting people...).

As PSN's been down for a while, I've been trying to make some Mortal Kombo-vids with Nightwolf. So far it's been a fun experience!

Liking the game so far, and hoping to stay for quite a while. This site was recommended by tournament streams as well as fellow FGC-members in Norway.

See ya around :cheers:.


Premium Supporter
Wow, it is an honor and a pleasure to have you hailing the whole way from Norway. Welcome!

I actually started with Noob but have moved to Ermac... just waiting to be able to redeem my online kode... :(