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Greetings from California, dudes and dudettes.

Jason Shearer

'Sup bitches. My name's Jason, I'm 29 years old, and I shoot, snort and inhale MK. I also write the Mortal Kombat Bible.


Forum General Emeritus
I'll be moving across the country from Pittsburgh, PA to Reno, NV very soon. I'll have to get to know some MK peeps on the west side.


DCIguy said:
I'll be moving across the country from Pittsburgh, PA to Reno, NV very soon. I'll have to get to know some MK peeps on the west side.
u know i hate u right...


Forum General Emeritus
NoDoubtArion said:
when r u leaving...we gotta all get 2 together b4 u do and play MK2 all day. Ill do it. lol
My last day in Pittsburgh will be 5/15, then I start trekking across the country. Already put in my 2 week notice at work, lol