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Green Lantern's Constantly Changing Win Screen


For hearts long lost and full of fright
I'm new to the site (though I've been creepily stalking around it for months without making a profile), and I thought I'd make a thread to take note of something.

Here's GL's Win pose from the first time we saw it during the Battle Arena Reveal:
GLPOSE 1.jpg
Next is from the Solomon Grundy fight:
GLPOSE 2.jpg Then finally from the Aquaman battle:
GLPOSE 3.jpg

Looks like Kilowog got demoted from a fully-fledged animated character to a floating cardboard cutout.
I'm so happy somebody else noticed this. I made a thread about this the first time I noticed the Kilo-whatever dude having a 3d model, and I laughed when I saw that it's not in the build they used for the most recent GL video