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Greek MK scene


You will BOW to me!

Sorry about the bad quality and audio being off synch but we had some technical problems.

Hope you enjoy :)

1st place Hidan(Quan Chi,Johnny Cage)
2nd place Metzos(Ermac)
3rd place N1kolas(Sektor)
4rth place Matter(SZ,NS,Reptile)


"More stealthful than the night"
Premium Supporter
note to all watchers, turn your speakers down prior to watching XD

awesome showing man, perhaps next time upload the fights individually as opposed to one big video, but in all great display :)

your ermac is always fun to watch, and congratulations to Hidan :)


You will BOW to me!
note to all watchers, turn your speakers down prior to watching XD

awesome showing man, perhaps next time upload the fights individually as opposed to one big video, but in all great display :)

your ermac is always fun to watch, and congratulations to Hidan :)

Thnx alot m8 glad to see you like it :)

P.S : Sorry about the video being soo big i ll organize it more thoroughly next time :)


"Strength isn't everything"
Metzos, you are the only player I have seen that hit confirms from f112. Excellent man. Best Ermac there is.


You will BOW to me!
Yea, no one else does it, really smart, easy to hit confirm from.

What's your max damage if your break though at 13 into teleport?

Cant remember exactly but i usually use it when the opponent doesnt have a breaker to deal a maximum of 40% dmg with a jump in without meter midscreen.Plus the force in the end of the combo sends the opponent full screen which is where i want him :)