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Hello Gentlemen (And/or Ladies)

I haven't played a fighting game for years, and of all the ones out there, The one I found fits me perfectly was MK9 (MVC3 was way to confusing for me D:). Hopefully I'll learn a thing or two around here so I can get better at it and not suck as much!
I've been watching IPlayWinner Youtube vids of MK9 tourneys, and decided to make Ermac my main character, mabey a bit of Raiden/Kung Lao on the side perhaps. Though perhaps I should try each character a little before making a solid decision, I just found Ermac to be the collest one :O

I have wondered however, if playing online is any good, I near the netcode is terrible. I'll probably just play offline till I feel confident to play online. I'm sure ill give it a go at some point... :X


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Ermac is my main... :)

We should spar... IF you had ps3. :(

Welcome to tym. :)


You know I was actually considering getting it for the PS3, because of the exclusive char...

But then the we have at my house PS3 regurally overheats and needs my stepdad to open it up, reheat the solder inside and fix the damn thing