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Going forward with/away from Xbox 360 controller


Best Of Worst
Hello guise.

MKX is my pretty much first fighting game that I'm not absolutely terrible at. As a result, I play using the controller that use for everything - my xbox 360 controller (for PC, that is). However, moving forward it became evident that I need to work on my inputs. What made it glaringly obvious is how yesterday I jumped away trying to do a command grab mid-combo and I wasn't even surprised or frustrated anymore, I just felt as if it's expected to happen.

So long story short, I was hoping if anyone could help me with figuring out where I should go from here. Should I stick with xbox 360 and try to get better? Should I commit and get a better controller? Or maybe a stick? I'm a fairly casual player, so I'm a bit weary that I'll drop a whole bunch of money on a stick and then shelve it a month later because I'll be done with mortal kombat/fighting games.


In my experience, the 360 pad (or controller) is hot garbage when it comes to fighting games as the d pad is abysmal. So i would suggest the XBONE pad. its d pad is amazing, and i'm sure it wont be too difficult to get used to.


Best Of Worst
In my experience, the 360 pad (or controller) is hot garbage when it comes to fighting games as the d pad is abysmal. So i would suggest the XBONE pad. its d pad is amazing, and i'm sure it wont be too difficult to get used to.
Thanks for a quick response <3. I heard good things about the xbone controller, so I might actually just get that since it also aligns with the fact that I play a bunch of other games too (and it'll probably fit for that). Are there any limiting factors that people know of when it comes to fighting games concerning it?


Not really. Unless you play 6 button fighters, the bumpers should not be a issue. Its d-pad is very precise and responsive in my experience. Also if you play on pc, add me on steam: theqxd


Thanks for a quick response <3. I heard good things about the xbone controller, so I might actually just get that since it also aligns with the fact that I play a bunch of other games too (and it'll probably fit for that). Are there any limiting factors that people know of when it comes to fighting games concerning it?
it's all preference man. i had success using 360 pad in injustice, i have no problems using ps4 pad for mkx and i hate the xbone pad. guess you can say i go against the grain on pads lol. as for a stick idk. i use stick for sf4 and mvc3 but hate it for nrs games.
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Best Of Worst
it's all preference man. i had success using 360 pad in injustice, i have no problems using ps4 pad for mkx and i hate the xbone pad. guess you can say i go against the grain on pads lol. as for a stick idk. i use stick for sf4 and mvc3 but hate it for nrs games.
That actually brings up a question - when I was watching ESL/EVO, I don't think I saw any fightsticks? Is there a reason for that? Does xbone/ps4 not have good fightsticks? Or do people generally prefer, like you, a controller over a fightstick in nrs games?


I want Kronika to step on my face
I use a PS2 pad. Most people on this website agree PS2 pads are simply the best for MK.

Right now there's a bit of an issue getting it to work on PS4, which might have been solved with the Mayflash adapter - still waiting more feedback on that. And I'm not sure if it works on XB1.


That actually brings up a question - when I was watching ESL/EVO, I don't think I saw any fightsticks? Is there a reason for that? Does xbone/ps4 not have good fightsticks? Or do people generally prefer, like you, a controller over a fightstick in nrs games?
In NRS games in particular, the motions are less complex (no diagonals) so the full range of a stick isnt entirely necessary. Also the block button is REALLY hard to get used to on stick. Most people agree its just easier to play on pad. even some players that normally play MK X, Injustice, MK 9 on pad


Best Of Worst
I use a PS2 pad. Most people on this website agree PS2 pads are simply the best for MK.

Right now there's a bit of an issue getting it to work on PS4, which might have been solved with the Mayflash adapter - still waiting more feedback on that. And I'm not sure if it works on XB1.
Hah, I actually didn't consider looking at that. My guess is that a good adapter for pc is out there?

In NRS games in particular, the motions are less complex (no diagonals) so the full range of a stick isnt entirely necessary. Also the block button is REALLY hard to get used to on stick. Most people agree its just easier to play on pad. even some players that normally play MK X, Injustice, MK 9 on pad
True, the block thing really makes sense with a controller. Didn't injustice use standard move-back-to-block though?


I want Kronika to step on my face
Hah, I actually didn't consider looking at that. My guess is that a good adapter for pc is out there?

True, the block thing really makes sense with a controller. Didn't injustice use standard move-back-to-block though?
Yeah buy a ps2-xbox360 adapter and you'll get native support on windows. Which is what I use. I have been using this converter for more than a year with zero problems:


Best Of Worst
Yeah it's good. I hate trigger buttons for blocking though. That's why I prefer PS2 pads.
Yeah, I realised very late that I should've switched rt and rb around, but now I'm just sticking with it because I'm concerned that it'll be a very long and frustrating process to switch at this stage

Actually a PS3 controller using motionjoy is my primary controller
Sweet! It also doesn't need any extra equipment, so that's good. Thanks a lot, both of you guys <3


also on pc... i used to have a 360 controller and found the ps4 controller far superior. no lag and great range if you have bluetooth.

kind of curious to see what the xbone controller is like myself


I have a nice fight stick I custom built and been using it since X360. However, I can't help but notice that I rarely see a fight stick used in tournaments. Sometimes I wonder if I'll actually play better if I go back to the xb1 pad.


Best Of Worst
I have a nice fight stick I custom built and been using it since X360. However, I can't help but notice that I rarely see a fight stick used in tournaments. Sometimes I wonder if I'll actually play better if I go back to the xb1 pad.
Of course I'm in no position to dish out advice, but the way I see it - unless a controller is actively inhibiting your ability to play (*ahem* x360 d-pad *ahem*) then there's probably no reason to cause yourself the pain of re-learning how to play all over again for a negligible gain. But, of course, an opinion of a Newb McScrub here.