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So ever since MK has come into play on this earth and considering the fact that it has been around for the longest time, I always wondered If there are glitches and secrets us players don't know about BUT I bet Ed boon or John Tobias or some staff have something up their sleeve that there not telling us and we players need to discover them. It would be a nice thought for instance, say you were sitting down with Ed Boon and ask him..
"what's the ultimate secret or glitch in MK history?"... (or something along those lines- I'm not sure about glitches so much as secrets but glitches are cool nonetheless)

Is it just me who has this thought or do you guys have the same notion about this?... do you guys ever wonder what it would be like to know every secret in MK history?

To me it feels like getting to know a secret societies insider secrets when it comes to knowing MK's history/secrets lol.