Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I picked GL up the first day I got the game (which was only a couple of days ago) and I've spent a lot of hours already trying to figure out the basics for myself in practise.
I see people using Green Lantern's lift a tonne after strings because they're fishing for combos but this seems pretty inefficient to me, especially because his best footise, his b13, is really difficult to hitconfirm into lift.
What I am doing is using a couple of things I've not seen people really explore with the champion yet and i intend to discuss these and other GL setups everybody else might have, here in this thread.
First of all, I am experimenting with b13, trait and hitconfirming into either full combo (lift, 223, bf1 mb, b13 lift or other ender of choice for oki) or cancelling into bf2 (mg) for a return to footsies range on block. I haven't tested this extensively so this is where I am opening myself up to correction, but I think the minigun cancel may only be punishable by armoured moves. I don't have somebody to test this with but i wasn't able to get the ai to jump in between blocking the b13 and the minigun (this could be due to my inability to test properly). RE: THEY CAN JUMP OUT BEFORE THE MG.
So I am going to revise what exactly gl's options are off this.
OK, so after demonstrating to myself your opponent can jump out between trait, minigun cancel after b13, LM will full combo punish them on a read they'll jump out or try to press buttons, again further testing required and I am 100% certain Doomsday can just armour you in the face, so he isn't respecting anything. LM is obviously also full combo punishable on block at this range. You can delay the cancel after the trait but I am not sure what the point would be since pokes and other normals can probably punish you for doing so.
Secondly, Off 223, I am cancelling into either bf 1, mb (on hit) and bf2 to check them on block as Gl is at negative frames on so many of his strings it seems like people will inevitably press buttons, minigun is a good way to check them here as is bf1 mb which is plus frames on block (misreading frame data for the win), and so could be a way for GL to continue pressure once he's in.
I am exploring more stuff all the time but my impression of GL so far is that he is a footsies character with a great up close game and decent zoning to protect a lifelead and punish impatient players.
Your thoughts.
I see people using Green Lantern's lift a tonne after strings because they're fishing for combos but this seems pretty inefficient to me, especially because his best footise, his b13, is really difficult to hitconfirm into lift.
What I am doing is using a couple of things I've not seen people really explore with the champion yet and i intend to discuss these and other GL setups everybody else might have, here in this thread.
First of all, I am experimenting with b13, trait and hitconfirming into either full combo (lift, 223, bf1 mb, b13 lift or other ender of choice for oki) or cancelling into bf2 (mg) for a return to footsies range on block. I haven't tested this extensively so this is where I am opening myself up to correction, but I think the minigun cancel may only be punishable by armoured moves. I don't have somebody to test this with but i wasn't able to get the ai to jump in between blocking the b13 and the minigun (this could be due to my inability to test properly). RE: THEY CAN JUMP OUT BEFORE THE MG.

OK, so after demonstrating to myself your opponent can jump out between trait, minigun cancel after b13, LM will full combo punish them on a read they'll jump out or try to press buttons, again further testing required and I am 100% certain Doomsday can just armour you in the face, so he isn't respecting anything. LM is obviously also full combo punishable on block at this range. You can delay the cancel after the trait but I am not sure what the point would be since pokes and other normals can probably punish you for doing so.
Secondly, Off 223, I am cancelling into either bf 1, mb (on hit) and bf2 to check them on block as Gl is at negative frames on so many of his strings it seems like people will inevitably press buttons, minigun is a good way to check them here as is bf1 mb which is plus frames on block (misreading frame data for the win), and so could be a way for GL to continue pressure once he's in.
I am exploring more stuff all the time but my impression of GL so far is that he is a footsies character with a great up close game and decent zoning to protect a lifelead and punish impatient players.
Your thoughts.