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GGA to start streaming on Tuesday nights

Attention all you TYM'ers and lovers of Mortal Kombat. Galloping Ghost Arcade will start streaming Mortal Kombat every Tuesday night starting at 7pm Chicago time (Central). Tune in to watch such amazing personalities as the old and wise Tommy Wafflez. Listen in on 16bit complain about how underpowered Kitana is. Watch as Dizzy consumes cheese on his meat! See top tier Sheeva stomp on such low tier characters like Sonya, and Kabal. And Much Much More!

This will be MK only (no Street Fighter or Marvel like we do on Thursdays) and of course this is open to anyone who wants to come and play MK. If you are in the Chicago area and want to come then stop on by!

Our first stream will be this Tuesday June 19th, 2012.
The address for the stream will be


Galloping Ghost Arcade
This is going to be great! We're going to have at least 3-4 setups all dedicated to MK, and I was thinking of having a "beginners", "intermediates" and "pro" level station separation for a few reasons.

I want to encourage newcomers to come out and if they get blasted by Dizzy f+3ing the hell of them, they might not come back. And we can have the beginner and intermediate stations compete within each other to be promoted to the higher levels. We will only stream the Pro station, so that will be incentive and motivation to try to work your way up. This structure was used by the original Wednesday Night Fights in California, and I like the idea a lot.

What does everyone else think?

Regardless, I hope everyone can make it out; without competing with VSM on Thursdays, I think we can get quite a few people interested and watching us as well.


Pete aka HAN
Sounds good. There are some Chicago people I have been talking to that sound interested in coming out on Tuesdays now. I was thinking of taking them into training mode on Tuesdays as well to show them the ropes (off stream of course)


Emperor of the Moon
This is going to be great! We're going to have at least 3-4 setups all dedicated to MK, and I was thinking of having a "beginners", "intermediates" and "pro" level station separation for a few reasons...
I like the idea but don't stick to it 100% Every non REO or Dominican brother from VSM has complained that they basically don't exist to the scene because they don't get stream time. Also being on stream in casuals I think is good practice for tournament play. There is another level of pressure that you don't feel when playing off stream. If new people are going to come out, this would help prepare them. Also if you don't get leveled up enough to get on stream it may be discouraging after a point.

Still, very glad to see an MK only night. I'm buying a new PS3 this weekend since my last one hated me enough to kill itself, so I can bring a setup too. I have a monitor I can bring, but I have no idea how much it lags.


Galloping Ghost Arcade
I hear what you guys are saying. And yeah, I don't want this to turn into only a few players getting on the stream and everyone else feels left out. I just don't want someone who doesn't want to be on the stream being forced into it if they are self-conscious, nervous, ect... But as long as someone wants to be on stream, we'll give them time on it. Thanks for the feedback!


GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
Sounds good. There are some Chicago people I have been talking to that sound interested in coming out on Tuesdays now. I was thinking of taking them into training mode on Tuesdays as well to show them the ropes (off stream of course)
Always trying to show people your rope...


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
This is going to be great! We're going to have at least 3-4 setups all dedicated to MK, and I was thinking of having a "beginners", "intermediates" and "pro" level station separation for a few reasons.

I want to encourage newcomers to come out and if they get blasted by Dizzy f+3ing the hell of them, they might not come back. And we can have the beginner and intermediate stations compete within each other to be promoted to the higher levels. We will only stream the Pro station, so that will be incentive and motivation to try to work your way up. This structure was used by the original Wednesday Night Fights in California, and I like the idea a lot.

What does everyone else think?

Regardless, I hope everyone can make it out; without competing with VSM on Thursdays, I think we can get quite a few people interested and watching us as well.


Pete aka HAN
This is a great idea. I have been coming out for a few weeks in a row now and I have seriously been getting bodied repeatedly! I mean everyone's spacing and footsie game is on point! 16bit punish's 40-50% anytime you make a mistake and Medinas Reptile is deadly in combos and with chip damage! It can be a little disheartening. The players at GGa are top tier no doubt about it.

I hope new people just realize though that they shouldn't be intimidated or not want to come out because they are losing games. Sometimes you just have a bad night...

Everyone in the area who plays should come out for this.
Reactions: HAN


Galloping Ghost Arcade
I recorded this video before Ufgt, looks like Tuesdays are the new thursdays for MK guys!