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GGA N1k0lasss wins GBS Season 1 Week 5.

Well we finally had our first repeat winner for GBS! (Sorry guys I couldn't beat N1k0lasss who reset me in GFs)

Also N1kolasss was added to team GGA last night and is now GGA N1k0lasss! Just in time for Toryuken. Here are the top 8 results.

1st Place. GGA @N1k0lasss. Master of Souls Ermac
2nd Place. Me. Hollywood Cassie
3rd Place. soonk. Grandmaster Sub-Zero
4th Place. @RM Truth Grandmaster Sub-Zero, Thunder God Raiden
5th Place. @GGA Max Imposter and Bone Shaper Shinnok
5th Place. @GGA Fill Pops Wargod Kotal Kahn
7th Place. @D-Que Beats Covert Ops Sonya
7th Place. Big Marcus Summoner and Sorcerer Quan Chi

Check out our archive of last night at http://www.twitch.tv/gallopingghostarcade/b/659196054

Tournament starts at around 43:00 mark.
A really hype fight vs. McCutty Mayhem and @D-Que Beats happens at the 58:00 mark.
Top 4 starts around the 2:40 mark.