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GGA Jeremiah requests entrance into TZA.

I hereby put in my request to join the zoning academy. Here are my character's credentials

1) A fireball that does 12% damage and is a mid attack (don't worry that almost all characters can d3 to avoid this)
2) This same fireball also has massive pushback on block. If you can get your opponent to not jump and they stand block this fireball 4 times in a row they are back to full screen!
3) An EX fireball that does 16% damage and is an overhead
4) A ground pound that has a lightning fast 39 frames to start up. I know your saying that it only does 9% damage, does not lead to a combo like Jax, and you can't cancel it like Jax, and it doesn't have the recovery like Jax, and it is full combo punishable by jump combo anywhere on the screen except max distance, BUT if you can get your opponent to just stand full distance you will beat any character.
5) The EX ground pound sets up an almost endless mind game option. This EX version she actually stomps twice in a row. Even though this move's animation is longer than the original ground pound and even easier to punish if the opponent jumps, but I have seen many top players fall to the "Is it going to be 1 pound or 2 pound?" mind game. I have won entire matches with this mixup. All you have to do is condition your opponent to never jump against you.
6) An armored move that if the opponent is standing and gets hit by it, you can throw him/her back to full screen and continue amazing zone pressure as they have to wade back through the barrage of fireballs and ground pounds. Also you can control which side you throw them to for a free get out of corner. This means this move is better than Freddy's teleport.
7) Basic moves so slow and so useless and so sub-par in damage that you have to rely on your amazing zoning tools to keep opponent out. (Would you expect anything less from a zoning academy master?)
8) An X-Ray that is full screen and unblockable! If you think about it, this is the ULTIMATE zoning tool. Zoning is keeping your opponent where you want them to be at all times. When Sheeva has full meter, the opponent can NEVER be standing on the ground. This forces the opponent to always be jumping for fear of the X-Ray. Once you get full meter the round is over, because the opponent will have to keep jumping leaving them open for Sheeva's amazing anti-air grab.

So basically in a nutshell, once you establish that your opponent cannot jump against Sheeva, you have an arsenal of tools at your disposal.
To a non jumping opponent, Sheeva's Fireball, Ground Pound, EX Ground Pound, Armored grab (which is better than Freddy's teleport), and X-Ray are more than enough tools to beat any opponent.


Online Punching Bag
Other than you and Rip I've played 1 other Sheeva player named Dj Big or something and his connection was horrendous. It was so bad, I kept trying to do a wakeup ex takedown. He grabbed me like 5 times in a row and I lost.
DJ Big CG sucks though, he only wins anything because of having a terrible connection, and distracts people with shitty music in the background. Not being able to move when he telestomps and grabs after from lag is the only reason he wins. I just taunt him full screen wait for him to go telestomp then air grab him out of it. I've never seen him do 1 single combo or footsies, anti air or anything with her ever. I ran into him yesterday and he played some crappy cheering music for himself when he won the second round from his horrible lag, then I won round 3 and did the Sheeva shuffle (hold down, block, block, block). He had it coming.

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
AREZ God of War Bro, this is your one & only warning. Do NOT continue to harass Espio on this site. Thanks kindly.

-TYM Staff
I'm not allowed to make jokes despite the fact that other members are allowed to do what they want when it pertains to me? I have to admit, I disagree with allowing one person to go ahead and do something another party is restricted from doing.

Also, next time you put my name in mention, specify who you yourself as a Staff member are warning me as. I don't acknowledge people who don't make themselves available for discussion. In other words if I don't know who you are, i don't trust your judgement, therefore i don't heed your warning.. Next time, if you have an issue, use the PM system otherwise.