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Getting that 3rd jk/afb with Kabal in the corner

For a while now I've been able to easily pull off 2 jk/afb in the corner with kabal, being able to do this has helped me quite a bit and I've won a lot of matches just because I was able to get that extra corner damage, but I've been having trouble consistently landing 3.

I know that 4 is also possible, but for now I just want to focus on mastering 3. I'm the type of player who will often take an easier combo route if the alternative that is much harder only pays off with a small amount of damage, at least until I master the other way enough so that I can land it 9/10 times.

I'd really like to learn to land the 3rd consistently though. 2 is easy to do, just do the first jump kick quick and delay the afb until the opponent falls a bit...but what exactly should I do for the 3rd? Is there some way I need to do the second jk/afb to set up a 3rd easily? Any tips would be appreciated greatly.

It always feels good when you are at like 10% life and your opponent is at like 60%, and you get lucky and get a good corner combo set up winning you the match :D

I'm just aimlessly ranting now sooo yea to all the really skilled players out there....please try to explain to me how to get that 3rd one consistently, I know you freaks can do it :p

BTW totally off topic but I have a youtube channel with random MK related videos on it. None of them will really be useful to skilled players but it may be helpful for some newer ones. Here's my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/moreoreos123