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Getting Sheeva in Mortal Kombat 11: A Call to Arms


Motor City Warrior
We got a trailer that goes out to March of next year, and no mention of Sheeva even in the works. I think if we want her in we need to get the hype train rolling down the tracks, so if you love this character as much as I do get in here and let's talk lore, fan art, and the future. The fact is she is very niche, and we are gonna have to have a loud and passionate fan base because we don't have the numbers. LETS GO!!


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Well, the leaks that confirmed Joker and Terminator also said Sheeva was in the bunch.

Anything could happen at this point, but we'll have to wait and see. Ash is apparently "deconfirmed" so who knows.


Motor City Warrior
"Sheeva isn't interesting, nobody cares about Sheeva."

O contraire, I aim to prove right here right now that Sheeva is an incredibly interesting character with a deep lore, and many stylistic changes, and here low-status in the game is just the result of mismanagement.

Sheeva was introduced in 1995 with MK3. Her story was that she was a member of the Shokahn, personal protector of Queen Sindel. She had bitter rivalry with Motaro because the Shokan and the Centaurians were bitter enemies. Also interesting she was completely stop motion whereas most other characters in the game were digitized actors.

Long story short, during MK3/UMK3 she is sent to compete for Shao Kahn in Earthrealm, and while she is doing this (loyally), he betrays her and leads an offensive against the Shokan. When she get's back and learns of this betrayal, she prepares to lead her people into battle. The Shokan know that they cannot win this battle, but they are a pride people who prefer to go down swinging (Proud and Brave). Just before this battle can occur Kahn loses Earthrealm. Sheeva decides to take revenge on Motaru and colludes with Kano to do so, but of course trusting Kano is never a good idea. Kano stabs her in the back metaphorically by outing her assassination plot to Shao Kahn, and then Kahn stabs her in the back literally. So you have this powerful, proud, loyal, and strong honest woman who is killed by a stab in the back. Her story is quite tragic.

Sheeva reappears in Mortal Kombat Armageddon, and depending on how you take it, you could make a case that she had to some how escape the Netherealm (she did after all die in MK3). Nobody in that game has much story, but in her ending she is actually uses the Komidogu to become a goddess and rebuild the realms in her image (you know... kinda like Liu Kang gets to do in the ending of MK11... isn't that interesting?).
More interesting is her radical redesign in this game. She is significantly darker and has a more elegant, perhaps even royal appearance:

In Mortal Kombat 2011 Sheeva returns but has a very small role, she is simply Shao Kahns Jailor, though her character traits of loyalty, pride, and honesty remain present.
Her art in this game is a throwback to MK3. Lightened and barbaric again:

Between Mortal Kombat 9 and Mortal Kombat X, Sheeva does a lot. The problem is that there is no mention of any of it in MK:X. You had to have the comics. So much in fact that this is a copy and paste job from the MKWiki:

After the death of the Shokan King Gorbak, Sheeva won the battle royal contest for the crown of the Shokan, becoming the queen of her people. Sheeva joined the Shokan with Kotal Kahn in accompanying him to Shang Tsung's Island. However, Sheeva does not have the Shokan join the battle, not wanting to waste Shokan lives after the massacre at Z'unkahrah.

Sheeva allows the Shokan to place wagers on the battle between Kotal and Reiko, wagering her coin on Kotal. Sheeva tells Kintaro that while she will honor their commitment to Kotal in helping him kill Reiko and Mileena, she muses that if the battle does not go in the emperor's favor, the Shokan may instead avenge his death.

When Sheeva learns of Kintaro defying her orders and sending scouts onto Shang Tsung's Island, she becomes enraged, and threateningly draws her sword. Sheeva restrains herself from executing Kintaro due to the Shokan's low population after the battle of Z'unkahrah. When one of the Shokan informs Sheeva of the scout's ship's return, carrying the dismembered corpses of the scouts, Sheeva plants her sword before Kintaro and tells him to carry their deaths on his conscience.

When Sheeva asks a Shokan with a scope to tell her what is happening on the beach, and learns someone is holding something sparkling necklace that is getting brighter and brighter, Sheeva quickly realizes what is happening and orders everyone to brace for impact. Too late however, as a blast strikes the ship, igniting the explosives they were carrying. Sheeva survives and rescues Kintaro, ordering him to mark the deed and declares that once they are on the island, she orders him to fight.

Arriving on the island shore, Sheeva spots several Red Dragon soldiers standing over a body and contemplating burning it. As she and Kintaro sneak up on them, preparing to attack, the soldiers are suddenly attacked and devoured by a swarm of bees swarming from the body. The bees merge together to reveal D'Vorah, who rudely greets the Shokan.

Sheeva reins Kintaro in, and after D'Vorah angrily accuses Sheeva for failing to protect Kotal Kahn, even threatening Sheeva with one of her poison tipped pincers, Sheeva calmly explains that Havik killed her entire battalion when he sank her ship. D'Vorah orders the two Shokan to follow her, and when Sheeva questions where, D'Vorah reveals Kotal Kahn hid emergency supplies before invading the island and they will use them to bring in reinforcements to fight Havik.

Sheeva joins with D'Vorah and Kotal Kahn's other fighters alongside with Kintaro in confronting Havik's Blood Code enslaved champions. While Sheeva battles Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade at the same time, deflecting their attacks easily, she asks Kintaro if this is the glorious battle he hoped for as he is being attacked by Cassie Cage and Jacqui Briggs.

Sheeva would focus her attentions on the possessed Johnny Cage, and when Kintaro called to his queen in shock over their opponents strength, Sheeva ordered him to break them, while stomping on Johnny and throwing him into a nearby pillar, and told Kintaro that Blood Magik was enhancing their power while reminding him he was Shokan. Sheeva would then watch in horror as the possessed Sonya killed Kintaro by ripping his head off, calling her champion's name in shock.

After those possessed by Havik were freed from his control, Sheeva mourned the fallen Kintaro, kneeling by his body. When Sonya Blade attempted to apologize for her actions, Sheeva told her to say no more, and that Kintaro had died a warrior's death.


Still reigning as Queen of the Shokan, Sheeva is approached by a time-displaced Kitana, who urges her to side with Kotal Kahn over Shao Kahn as the two emperors war for Outworld's throne. Sheeva admires Kitana's passionate plea, but refuses to be persuaded, admitting that while under Kotal's rule, the Shokan fared somewhat better than under Shao Kahn's, she refuses to take a side as it was still too early to say which Kahn would ultimately triumph. Just then, Liu Kang and Kung Lao arrive to inform Kitana of Kotal Kahn's capture in the Tarkatan Kamp.

Rising from her throne, Sheeva states that the Shokan would not come to the aid of a Kahn in chains, and though Kitana insisted with Earthrealm's aid they could secure victory, Sheeva was adamant that there would be no victory without the Tarkatans, telling Kitana that if they could be swayed to join Kotal, then it would be advantageous to join him. Kitana then swore to Sheeva that she would return with the Tarkatans by her side to secure the Shokan to Kotal's side.

Kitana ultimately sways Baraka and the Tarkatans to join with her, convincing Sheeva and the Shokan join with her as well, Kitana leading them as they marched on the koliseum to save Kotal Kahn from execution. After Kitana defeated Shao Kahn, Sheeva, joined with Baraka, approached the paralyzed Kotal Kahn, the Osh-Tekk apologizing for not serving their people better and was present as Kotal passed the title of Kahn to Kitana.

Sheeva and the Shokan joined Kitana, Baraka, and the Tarkatans in storming Kronika's Keep, but what became of her after Kronika rewound time is unknown.

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Don't make a topic with a purposefully misleading title. It's been changed.


Motor City Warrior

Well, I won't lie. I do have an odd thing for very strong women and primal, unconventional female designs. Sheeva was the first, and to this day one of the only real Monster-Girls. Meaning she isn't something like a neko or a succubis, she is a legitimate powerful monstrosity, and I just think that's super cool, but beyond that she has some very cool characteristics; She fights on the side of Outworld, but she isn't evil or treacherous. Sheeva is actually a loyal, and honest character, she just plays for the bad guys. This doesn't seam to be a moral choice, but rather Sheeva is about her people, the Shokan, and I find her very honorable. SHEEEVA JUST ROCKS!
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Motor City Warrior
Don't make a topic with a purposefully misleading title. It's been changed.
I was trying to make a creative and provocative title. It was meant to be partially an in-joke for those of us who remember the old school-yard rumors of hidden unlockables, and at the same time it was also a reference to the character being literally locked away and us having to go bail her out of captivity if we want to play as her.
Well, we all know what to do if you really want a character to get in.
Go in and spam replies to unrelated Ed Boon tweets, that's sure to work. 15694

Sheeva is very inconsistent as a character (which is true for most MK characters, but especially for her). In the old timeline she is a glorified henchman. In MK9 she is an absolute idiot, obsessed with honor to the point of absurd. Then in MKX comics she is suddenly a wise queen, commanding Kintaro left and right. It's very hard to care about a character so loosely defined. Her current personality of strong no-bullshit woman in a position of leadership wouldn't really stand apart from Sonya and Kitana (and likely Sindel at that point, although she is a lot more evil). If she was still as honor-obsessed as MK9 (as no leaked dialogues even mention honor, aside from the sarcastic one about being Shao Kahn's champion) she could be fun, maybe as fun as Baraka. But honestly I have no attachment to the old version of the character and haven't seen anything to indicate the new one will be interesting enough to warrant big hype.