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Getting ready for tournament


I have my first ever tournament coming up in 3 days and I'm not sure how I should be preparing. Should I be running through my kombos, practicing footsies, ignoring the game alltogether until game day.......

Any thoughts/suggestions?


My blades will find your heart
Same, does the tourney happen to be Texas Bar Fights 6? I got a bad adapter so im just fine tuning some things and getting matchup practice. Hopefully my custom made 360 layout PS3 controller will play sort of the same.


Make sure if you practice online, that the day of you do nothing but offline practice. Run through ladder with all of your characters, and practice your combos! One dropped combo could cost you the entire tournament.


Same, does the tourney happen to be Texas Bar Fights 6? I got a bad adapter so im just fine tuning some things and getting matchup practice. Hopefully my custom made 360 layout PS3 controller will play sort of the same.
No. It's the TTT local tournament. I'm just worried that the pressure will get to me. As is, I have a problem with my execution. I can do my kombos with my esyes closed in the lab, but even against bots I start dropping inputs and kombos left and right. And I only started being able to do basic cancels yesterday.....

I don't care about losing; I'm more going to get involved in the scene. But I do want to do my best and at least look like I belomg.....

[MENTION=3472]IniquityDM[/MENTION]: I'm hoping that @Angry Worm can come over before. But he's been sick lately :(

Thanks for the advice guys! I'll make sure I hit the lab hard the next 2 days :team:

Gingko Biloba is the TRUTH.
(not sure about the ginseng & rosemary, but ill take your word for it :).)
Makes me sharper than a tack.
The best (and most effective) cold remedy:

1 dose of cough syrup
1 dose of decongestant
1 dose of Neo Citran (original flavour onry!)
1 shot of whatever

Take all that together. It will put you in a medicated coma for 18 - 24 hrs. When you awake, cold is gone!


My blades will find your heart
Yeah I figured it would have to be that one. While I would like to earn some of the 50 bucks I totally wasted preparing for this tourney, Im just excited to get to play this game at it's very best.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

The best (and most effective) cold remedy:

1 dose of cough syrup
1 dose of decongestant
1 dose of Neo Citran (original flavour onry!)
1 shot of whatever

Take all that together. It will put you in a medicated coma for 18 - 24 hrs. When you awake, cold is gone!
I have no idea what that has to do with Ginkgo, but I'm glad you gave me the recipe :D.
That sounds like the most awesome cold I'm ever gonna have, lol.
And since the weather in Jersey is RETARDED, and I always manage to get sick when it goes from unseasonably warm to HOLY SHIT Lewis Black Level cold, I think I may be testing it in the lab sooner than later...


I have no idea what that has to do with Ginkgo, but I'm glad you gave me the recipe :D.
That sounds like the most awesome cold I'm ever gonna have, lol.
And since the weather in Jersey is RETARDED, and I always manage to get sick when it goes from unseasonably warm to HOLY SHIT Lewis Black Level cold, I think I may be testing it in the lab sooner than later...
I can personally verify that this works! I can't use this remedy any more since I'm a recovering alchoholic, but I will personally guran-damn-tee that this will work :D

Yeah, I forgot to throw in Garlic to go with the G-theme that was going on :coffee:

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I can personally verify that this works! I can't use this remedy any more since I'm a recovering alchoholic, but I will personally guran-damn-tee that this will work :D

Yeah, I forgot to throw in Garlic to go with the G-theme that was going on :coffee:
Shoutouts to recovery, man :). Me and the liquid demon had our issues too, but it was more the suckish vortex of life than the sauce itself, so now we've got a healthy, loving, innebriated relationship again :D.

Having just popped my tourney cherry myself, there's one big thing I can definitely say will be your best bet:
Have faith in yourself.
I let my nerves get the better of me from the minute I walked into the building, and I couldn't shake them until Pimp knocked me on my ass with that Scorp sickness, and granted I did kind of feel better with that first loss done and over with, but stupid pad or not, I know if i'd just kept my wits about me and played like a soldier rather than just hoping for an opening, the results wouldve been a LOT less one-sided, if not in my favor...maybe. Idk. I fucking hate his vortex, lol...
Just remember your fundamentals, resist the urge for those sudden uncertain, unsafe outburst attacks, and try like hell not to let yourself slip into panic mode. Your opponent's gonna have one fuck of a time beating you as long as you refuse to let those nerves and hesitations cause you to beat yourself.
In the words of the therapist from Bad Boys 2: Woo-sah. Woooooooo-saaaaaaaah...:D.


Shoutouts to recovery, man :). Me and the liquid demon had our issues too, but it was more the suckish vortex of life than the sauce itself, so now we've got a healthy, loving, innebriated relationship again :D.

Having just popped my tourney cherry myself, there's one big thing I can definitely say will be your best bet:
Have faith in yourself.
I let my nerves get the better of me from the minute I walked into the building, and I couldn't shake them until Pimp knocked me on my ass with that Scorp sickness, and granted I did kind of feel better with that first loss done and over with, but stupid pad or not, I know if i'd just kept my wits about me and played like a soldier rather than just hoping for an opening, the results wouldve been a LOT less one-sided, if not in my favor...maybe. Idk. I fucking hate his vortex, lol...
Just remember your fundamentals, resist the urge for those sudden uncertain, unsafe outburst attacks, and try like hell not to let yourself slip into panic mode. Your opponent's gonna have one fuck of a time beating you as long as you refuse to let those nerves and hesitations cause you to beat yourself.
In the words of the therapist from Bad Boys 2: Woo-sah. Woooooooo-saaaaaaaah...:D.
I try to have faith in myself, but it's hard when I get bodied by AI Skarletts.....

Panic Mode is my biggest mental obstacle I think. Even in Ladder, during close fights I go bonkerz and usually eff up. Also too, I've played W1nter Warz in my living room and have seen NeoRussel on stream and they both will be there. Kind of intimidating for a noob. I can say that I beat W1nter's KL once but I have less patterns than the AI on Easiest. Once he saw my game, it was over.

Thanks for the shoutout! Scariest part about is is, my life seems worse after drying out. Meh.