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Geras Mini Guide Information And Resources: By @Domoralize

Hi guys! This info that im posting is coming from a top geras player in a server i have im moving information to TYM to ensure information is properly stored and easily accessible <3 This info is all created by domoralize im just delivering it here to help as many people as i can

Top 5 Kameos
Kung Lao

A brief overview of some of what his meta kameos do for him.

●Motaro: Already posted an entire Geras/Motaro guide on YT. This is his best Kameo. +13f low, meter less combos and absurd plus frames and suffocating oki with warp ambush, a reactionary answer to zoning which if they get hit by there own projectile is a true combo into snap, triple tail chip out options, untickthrowable tick throws, free hourglass charges. The lower the health you have in MK1, the faster you build meter, 900hp is tough, sure, but having almost constant access to 1 bar breaker to heal HP makes up for it.

●Ferra: HP, 3f fuzzy block mix plus a command grab which is all delayable, and most importantly her UKameo can grab you out of the elbow drop animation of non mb time stop, this allows 2x pain and gain to be guaranteed which becomes an armored, delayable, mobile mix for there entire life bar is some cases. Gives you access to throw combos anywhere on screen, keeps F44 +3f on block w Ferra Stance 1 or will naturally extend the combo on hit. Can cancel and jail 212 into an NJP, can turn F12 1+3 a launcher on hit. can input buffer a move into F3 and have Ferra grab you out of it and mix from there. Lastly her low can be used as a full screen launcher that can convert into a full combo.

●Sonya: Great Projectile that is chargeable. Options to end routes into forced 3 way safe mix w charged Projectile. Air freeze route into dash S4 F12 full charged projectile. The 3 ways are raw 21% Mid Screen command grab, F4 low Check into an auto combo, Mid screen you can F3 for a safe Overhead check. In the corner for the overhead option, you can 21 and pick it up with a D1 Burst if the overhead in 21 hits. Her leg grab is +1 on block, is an OH launcher, and on block had neutral resetting push back. Can be used to mix or extend combos out of time freeze. Her ambush air move doesn't exactly serve too much purpose for Geras except for allowing him to hourglass at the end of a combo route, and using this ambush suspends their air time longer allowing you to get it out safely if hourglasses are needed.

Chapter 1: Overview
**●Resource MANDATED to meet fullest potential of his character. ALMOST anything you do as Geras allows you to hourglass and remain safe. 3 hourglasses result in access to snap and 1 bar breaker.
examples being F3 on hit, meter burn combo routes, no meter combo routes, Kameo only routes, meter plus Kameo routes, Kameo use to act as a pause neutral button to get hourglass out safely.

Chapter 2: Key Normals.
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●Pokes (D1 D3 D4 B4). D1 is best to just not be used because its the lowest range D1 in the game. D3 is essentially your D1. (D3 Jails F2, B1, F1, 12, and 21) . (POINT BLANK D4 jails all of the same buttons, max range D4 jails B12 and F24.). B4 is one of your greatest conditioning tools have.**

●F3(19f OH hard knock down(-25f)) extremely good to cover w an ambush Kameo to remain safe, ALMOST guaranteed to get a free hourglass on hit mid screen, mental stacking is extremely effective with well used F3's, (guaranteed clone set up on hit with Motaro ambush.)

●F44(14f low launcher(-16f)) F4 stagger being +2f on hit, -7f on block. Extremely good stagger because if they ever get clipped by the second hit of the string it's a guaranteed launcher. F44 is ALWAYS to be followed by a fast recovery or safe on block Kameo (examples being Motaro Low shot, Kung Lao low hat, Khameleon Fan Toss, Khameleon Glaive, Sareena single projectile, Mavado kamikaze grab, Ferra Stance 1) because on hit or on block, you either get a full combo, or remain safe or plus with a Kameo covering you. This button is used ALOT. F44 also has a 1F armor gap.

●F242(12f High neutral check(F2 being -3f on block, -2f on hit. F24 being -4f on block, -2f on hit. F242 being a launcher and -14f on block.)) F2 is an insanely good tool to bait out a poke that can be whiff punished by micro back dash B12 because of the fast recovery and spacing on block F2 creates. F24 is essentially an easily confirmable string into combo because it's slow enough to see and hit confirm. F2 into Kameo has no gap, F24 into Kameo has no gap, and F242 into Kameo has a JAB gap + an armor gap.

●B12(16f Mid easily confirmable launcher(-7f)) The slower start up is balanced out by the extremely good range and whiff punish capabilities. Another easily confirmable string that becomes a launcher if special canceled into DB4, or made plus with a Kameo. B12 into Kameo has a JAB gap + armor gap.

●122 1+3(7f High jab punish, mental stackable string (1 is +3f on block, 12 is -5f on block, 122 is -6f on block)) Your basic 7f punish button, very good to stagger all 3 parts of the string. The full string connecting grants you +1 hourglass and throws them full screen at +23f, ALMOST guarantees you a free hourglass charge.
122 has an armor gap

●212 (9f High into Overhead check (S2 stagger is 0f on block, 21 is -6f on block but catches a lot of the time, scaring people into blocking which opens up a chance to raw command grab or continue pressuring))
21 has an armor gap.

●F12 1+3 (11f Mid (2nd hit is and -14f on block, final part of the string is safe on block, has a flawless block gap which makes it punishable)) This is a DELAYABLE string. Last hit can be delayed into either the end of the string or a special move. If you catch someone on hit with F12, you can max delay the string and cancel into a command grab which will catch them holding block after getting hit by the string. Staggering F1 is a great way to bait out armor because it's safe and most people are auto piloting, once they see the very telegraphed F1 chest bump, they armor. Every other part of the string has an armor gap, and F12 delay 1+3 has a JAB and armor gap

Chapter 3: Special Moves.

●Fatal Blow, 127f start up. This is a full screen reactionary tool or can be used to whiff punish long recovery whiffed normals. It's distance is about 1 step away from absolute full screen. If you're comboing into fatal blow, a time stopped F242 into fatal is the highest damage. If you're using his meta Kameo: Motaro, you get the option of using a 16f fatal blow as Motaro has the option of doing a much faster hit for you.

●DB4(Denial) (death on block), is an airborne only launcher, his only armored wakeup option w mediocre range, and an incredible reactionary tool to prevent jumping. Can be used as a +18f restand off of any grounded freeze (F242 Sand Burst) for good unbreakable damage to deny a breaker opportunity and force the opponent to guess strike/throw/mix.

●DF4(Sand Storm) (close, regular, and far) is his only “projectile” available at -27f anywhere on screen, acts as an okay full screen check as well as a pop up for combos. Recent patches has made the hitbox better. Can pop up for combos midscreen off of F24 SS, 12 closeSS, and both the same strings in the corner but closeSS. Also can be used to end airborne combo routes to send the opponent back at your feet with slight frame advantage, forcing them to get up and guess strike/throw/mix. Hitting someone with a raw sandstorm in neutral almost guarantees you a free hourglass at full screen. ex Sand Storm unfortunately serves very little purpose, granting 1 hourglass charge on use, although it does have some use in some set ups.

●BF1(Time Stop) (death on block) is his main combo extender. Meter Burn version is self explanatory. The non meter burn version can be canceled in its start up frames of its animation by a kameo to act as way get the same affect as meter burning it, but at the cost of a kameo use. The kameos that allow you to do this are Motaro, Kung Lao, Kameleon, and Ferra. show case BnB routes

●DF2 or DB2 (History Lesson / Follow Up Exam) (Command Grab) (17f start up) Standard command grab, can tick throw off of F1, F12, D1, D3, D4. Has the luxury of getting to choose which direction to throw you. Huge damage to throw them out of the corner. Command grabbing into the corner followed by a dash buffered B12 is a 1f gap and will catch any jump or button in the game trying to disrespect you. Extremely effective after landing a poke on hit to then raw command grab, or when applying your mental stack strings to follow up with a command grab after you see that the previous normal hit.

●DB3 (Hourglass) 70f recovery. Hourglass ANY TIME you have an opportunity to do it safely (in combos, behind a Kameo, getting pushed full screen from a combo break, hitting a full screen Sand Storm 122 1+3 on hit) , re route your combos to build hourglass. Geras is resource mandated, he functions entirely different with 3 hourglasses loaded compared to none. His move list is not completely accessible without 3 hourglases loaded. Do not be afraid to spend bar on DB3, you should be doing everything in your power to permanently have 3 hourglass charges. Most instances of using snap or 1 bar breaker almost guarantees you to load up 2/3rds of your charges for free, or to just spend a bar and have 3 charges fully loaded.

●DB3 w 3x hourglass (Inevitable) (snap)
Was recently buffed from 26f start up to 21f. Snap is a homing, anywhere on screen meter less launcher that costs 3x hourglass. This button has the incredible utility of dealing with projectiles, punishing far ranged buttons, whiff punishing long disjointed normals (such as Sindels hair normal, Kenshis double mid, Takadas half screen normals, ect.) , strait up just catching people in the neutral not blocking (little risky because you don't wanna waste it) , meter less damage, and huge combo extender. You can freeze into snap, but you CAN NOT snap into freeze.

●DB3 w 3x hourglass and 1 bar (Fixed Point) (1 bar breaker) extremely effective when you know how to use it. Arguably his best move in his move list. Don't be afraid to play slightly more risky, not stupid though. Restores all health lost in the last 3 seconds for the cost of 1 bar and 3x hourglass. In order for this move to function, you have do use it whenever a move or apart of a string or special is about to hit you, or an animation such as a jump or special move has them moving into you or you moving into them. Can be used grounded or airborne. 1 bar breaker loses to the following: Omni VStance, Quan armor portal, Peacemaker Force Field, Sub Kameo Ice armor, Tremor Crystalline armor, and Khameleon jade glow.

For combo ideas and inspiration if you want to learn crazy Geras stuff.

The most in depth guide that exists for the Geras on the internet.

Im going to continue updating all the information to the forums! sorry if you see me around a lot lol